Monday, December 30, 2013

Are You Fat ?

Last year many of our Chiropractic patients, with our help, were able to loose a lot of weight.

I have found that there are several different things that we can do to loose weight. Below is a list of tips. Print it off, check off the ones you already do, pick one or two more. Each week add one or two more. That's it! 

First off find a good Chiropractor. Chiropractic will help your body function at its optimum level. If you have pressure on a nerve, thee is no way your body can ever function at 100%.

If you have any questions, Barton Chiropractic is here to help.

1 | Don't skip meals. When you get too hungry, you're less likely to make healthy choices.
2 | Never go on a diet when you're under a lot of stress.
3 | Ideally, you should try to lose no more than 1 to 2½ pounds a week.
4 | A short bout of exercise each day is more effective than longer, less frequent periods.
5 | To lose weight for good, know that you can't go back to your old eating habits. You'll need to change your lifestyle.
6 | Eating too little can backfire. Never have less than 1,200 calories a day—or you may slow down your metabolism.
7 | Don't grocery-shop when you're hungry. You're likely to make high-fat, low-nutrient impulse purchases.
8 | For a fit and toned figure, dieting alone isn't enough. You also need to exercise.
9 | A slipup doesn't have to lead to an entire day of overeating. Resolve to make better choices at your next meal.
10 | Cut down, not out: Trim portions of food instead of removing entire categories (carbs, fats, etc.).

Smart Diet Steps

11 | Have breakfast. People who do so tend to eat fewer calories throughout the day.
12 | Pump up your protein intake early in the day. Protein is digested at a slower rate than simple carbs, so you'll feel full for longer.
13 | Eat slowly and savor each bite. You'll be satisfied with less food.
14 | If you have trouble controlling how much you eat of a favorite food, such as ice cream, do not bring it into your home. Eat it only in restaurants.
15 | Make lunch at home and bring it to work. It will probably be more nutritious and have fewer calories—not to mention cost less.
16 | Get enough sleep. You're more likely to give in to cravings when you're tired.
17 | Only eat when you're seated at the table. You'll do less unplanned nibbling.
18 | Keep your portions in control by never eating straight from the box or bag.
19 | Save some calories for snacks between meals.
20 | Hate to waste food? Instead of eating your children's leftovers, save that uneaten half-sandwich for the bird feeder.
21 | Drink a big glass of water at the start of every meal to help you feel full.
22 | End every meal with a large, filling glass of water, too.
23 | Keep a food journal. It holds you accountable.
24 | Use small plates. Research shows that you'll eat less because you'll think you ate more.
25 | Don't have a big lunch and a big dinner on the same day. If you overeat at one meal, cut back at the next.
26 | Don't think about what you can't eat. Focus on what you can eat more of: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, legumes and nuts.


Cooking Tricks

27 | Choose water-packed tuna rather than oil-packed—and you will cut calories by almost a third.
28 | Use nonstick spray to sauté foods. Or rub oil onto the pan with a paper towel for the lightest possible coating.
29 | If you must have goodies around for your family or for company, don't make or buy your favorite kind.
30 | Invest in single-serving containers and use them for leftovers. That way, you won't polish off everything.
31 | Use a tiny spoon when sampling, and if you're doing it a lot, eat less for lunch or dinner. The calories from those little tastes you take while cooking can really add up.
32 | Let your toast or baked potato slightly cool before buttering so it absorbs less.
34 | Always keep a container of cooked brown rice in the fridge for a quick, lowfat addition to leftovers.
36 | Switch to mustard. It has no fat, versus the 11 g in 1 Tbsp of mayonnaise.
37 | If you have the room, keep small exercise equipment (such as free weights) in the kitchen. You can get in a few reps while you're waiting for something to cook—and the sight of the gear will stop you from munching.
38 | Shop the perimeter of the grocery store, where most fresh fruit, vegetables, chicken, fish, eggs and dairy are all located. Venture into the interior aisles only with a list in hand.
39 | Forget about frying your fish, poultry or other cuts of lean meat. Only broil, roast or grill them. J
40 | Don't serve family style—make up a plate. And when people want seconds, let them help themselves.
41 | Make stews and soups ahead of time and refrigerate. Excess fat will float to the top, making it easy to remove before reheating.
42 | Give away temptation. After a dinner party, pack up the dessert and give it to your departing guests.
43 | Flavor your meals with fresh or dried herbs and spices, salsa, vinegar or lemon.
44 | Plan, plan, plan. Not having healthy options on hand (or in mind) makes it too easy to resort to fast food, especially when your family is clamoring for something to eat.

Eating-Out Tactics

45 | Before going to a restaurant, check out its menu for the lightest dishes. Many places post calorie counts online.
46 | Wear fitted clothes or a slightly tight belt when dining out. The feeling of restriction will send "stuffed" signals to your brain.
47 | Scope out everything that's available at a buffet or dinner party before eating. Save about a quarter of your plate for the high-cal stuff and the rest for lighter foods, such as cut-up vegetables and hummus or mini grilled chicken skewers.
48 | Have the bread basket removed as soon as you sit down at a restaurant. This calorie bomb is a big diet downfall.
49 | In a group, be the first to order so you're not influenced by your friends' choices.
50 | Be picky. At a family gathering, skip the food you can get anywhere and only eat the special dishes, like Grandma's potato salad. You'll feel more than satisfied without inhaling hundreds of extra calories.
51 | Order the simpler dishes. They're often less fattening because they don't have any sauce.
52 | Think of your waiter as your aide in cutting calories. Ask him to keep your water glass filled, to double the side of veggies and omit the starch.
53 | Eat a snack before going to a party. Arriving with an empty stomach is a recipe for disaster.
54 | Always ask for dressings and sauces on the side.
55 | At a restaurant, eat only half your meal and take the rest home in a doggie bag. Or ask your dinner partner to split a meal.

Squash (or Satisfy) Cravings

56 | If you like munching while watching TV, take up knitting, sewing or doing your nails—anything that keeps your hands busy.
57 | Savor what you're eating, especially the first two bites, which are the most flavorful. This trick can help you eat less—you may decide that some treats aren't worth the calories.
58 | Stash apples, bananas, oranges or whole-grain crackers in your bag so you'll always have a low-cal snack on hand.
59 | Be aware that a craving takes 20 minutes to go away. If you can distract yourself for that long, you probably have it beat.
60 | Brush your teeth or rinse with mouthwash when you have a craving. The clean taste may dampen your appetite.
61 | When that bag of caramel popcorn won't stop calling your name, close your eyes and visualize eating 30 pieces—imagine the crunch, the salt, the stickiness. Chances are you'll eat less than usual.
62 | Enjoy only the best. If you're dying for chocolate, just a few high-quality squares should do the trick.
63 | Eat what you're craving in its healthiest form. For instance, go for a baked potato instead of fries.

Workout Secrets

64 | One of the best ways to rev up your metabolism is to do strength-training exercises at least twice a week. Building muscle makes your body more efficient at burning fat throughout the day, even when you're resting.
65 | Tape your favorite TV shows and watch them only when you exercise.
66 | Be sure to wear supportive sneakers and comfortable clothes so you feel good during exercise.
67 | Get into a regular routine. You'll find that as you get fit and healthy your appetite may change, especially for junk food.
68 | Create a shorter walking route for days when you're busy and pressed for time. It's far better than doing nothing at all.
69 | Work out first thing in the morning, so it's done no matter how crazy your day gets.

Motivation Boosters

70 | Remember that small changes add up. You can lose 12½ pounds in a year just by giving up butter on your toast.
71 | Exercising in a group or with a friend makes a workout less dreary, so you're more likely to stick with it.
72 | Set small goals and as you reach each one, reward yourself: a new book, a spa treatment, whatever appeals to you.
73 | Crank up fun music with a fast beat while you work out. It will make time fly.
74 | Instead of thinking you deserve to eat something, think that you deserve to be healthy and happy.
75 | Hang a calendar in a prominent spot and mark the days you work out and eat right. Seeing evidence of your hard work will inspire you to keep it up.
If you have more questions about your health, or would like a free consultation to see how your body is doing, contact Barton Chiropractic in Concord at 925 685-2002.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Cut The Nerve That Goes From Your Brain To Your Heart.......


You Die

www.bartonchiro.comDoctors of Chiropractic have long known that. If you are reading this, chances are you do not have cut nerves, but you probably do have nerves that are being crushed.

Research has shown that as little as 5 mm of mercury pressure (the weight of a dime), is enough to decrease nerve function.

So, if the nerve going from your brain to your heart is not functioning 100% , do you think you could possibly be as healthy as you should? Definitely not!

Is this something that you need to worry about? If you have never had your nervous system checked, then you probably should worry.
  Here is the deal.

You have 24 movable bones protecting your nervous system. We call it your spine.

When you have trauma, it is possible to get those bones (vertebrae) out of alignment this is called a subluxation. This misalignment (subluxation), can put pressure on the nerve roots and decrease nerve function. As you can imagine, decreased nerve function equals decreased health. Dis-Ease.

Children with chronic ear infections get adjusted and in our office 90+% get well and stay well. Women suffering with low back pain often have very painful menses with lots of cramping, sometimes even difficulty getting pregnant. Often times when we get the pressure off the nerves in their low back the hormone levels regulate and as a result, symptoms go away.
 Remember guys; Happy Wife = Happy Life!

It makes sense to me, If you want to be healthy, you will get checked by a chiropractor as soon as possible. If you want your family to be healthy, you will get your family's nervous system checked.

At Barton Chiropractic in Concord we will never charge you or a loved one to sit down and talk about your needs. If you are serious about your health, call 925 685-2002 today for a free consultation to see if you are suffering from Subluxations in your spine.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Hip and low back pain

Did you know:

 SI joint dysfunction has been implicated as a common cause of back pain in more than 30% of children? Barton Chiropractic does. Yes, children have low back problems not just growing pains!

In a study 57% of patients presented at a chiropractic center suffered from Sacroiliac joint dysfunction? ( Low force method of spinal correction and fixation of the sacroiliac joint. Gemmell HA, Heng BJ. The Amer Chiro 1987; Nov:28-32.)

There are two types of SI joint dysfunction, primary and secondary.

Primary SI dysfunction arises from trauma such as blows, falls on the buttock, or from attempts to save oneself from falling.

 Knocking the SI joints out of place can affect the structural integrity of the entire spine. The SI joints themselves are held in place by small ligaments, which can be stretched out of position if there is a traumatic dislocation.

Secondary SI dysfunction comes on slowly, producing a chronic misalignment. Muscle atrophy on one side and overdevelopment on the other may be associated with a scoliosis, pelvic tilt or an actual shortening of one leg. Over time the entire spine can be affected, and one shoulder blade or one side of the ribcage may appear more pronounced than the other. Eventually, uneven pressure on the spine damage discs.

At Barton Chiropractic in Concord, our goal of care is to restore a normal relationship between the sacrum and ilium and to maintain it with suitable support.

(Sacroiliac joint dysfunction and low back pain in school aged children. Mierau DR Cassidy, J.D. et al. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 1984; 7(2):81-84.)

Only a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic can correct Sacro-Illiac joint dysfunction.


Hip and Low back pain can indicate underlying problems. Do not wait till it’s too late. Call your Chiropractor in Concord now at 925 685-2002 to see how Chiropractic can help you. Or visit our website at

By: Taylor N. Barton

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Chiropractic Dentist ?

Subluxation Degeneration

Doctors of Chiropractic know that when a Subluxation is left uncorrected over years , a process known as Subluxation Degeneration will occur. This process is not unlike leaving a cavity in a tooth to degenerate and rot away. Others (in Medicine) may incorrectly define this as “spinal arthritis,” an accurate description, (arth = joint and it is= inflammation).  The reality is, Subluxation Degeneration is not a disease process; it is your body trying to prevent worse damage, like spinal fracture. All because you have vertebrae that are out of alignment with one another. Chiropractors correct subluxation preventing this process.

There are four phases of Subluxation Degeneration, up to and including spinal fusion.

This video was prepared by Dr. Joseph Ferrantelli .
He does an excellent job of demonstrating the degeneration that takes place with Subluxation.

This process unfortunately is often painless. Often times during a consultation with a patient they will say something like;  " My back goes out once and a while, but it usually goes away in a couple of days," or I just thought it would go away. Just like a tooth ache that may come and go will eventually lead to a rotten tooth possibly a root canal, Subluxation leads to Subluxation Degeneration.

How important is it to go to the dentist and get a check up periodically?

It is every bit as important to get your spine checked to assure that your body is functioning at 100% and not premature joint degeneration.

Don't wait until it is too late! Call Barton Chiropractic at 925 685-2002 and schedule your free consultation.

Chiropractic Adjustments removes Vertebral Subluxation Complex

What is Vertebral Subluxation Complex (VSC)?

Vertebral Subluxation Complex (VSC) is THE most serious threat to your health and well-being.


Let's take a moment to take a look at where health comes from.

Your brain and the nervous system controls and coordinates every cell, tissue, organ and system of the body.

VSC is a serious interference with that control and coordination, allowing chaos within your body, instead of harmony.

When one or more vertebrae are out of proper juxtaposition and/or not functioning properly, there will be an interference to the normal transmission of what we call “the mental impulse.” This is Vertebral Subluxation Complex (VSC). It can cause an ache or a pain, anything at all up to and including life-threatening disease. Disease begins with “dis-ease,” a lack of ease, of health.

DD-disease as disturbedVSC causes you to express less Life. It causes you to express less of your genetic potential, which is one reason why it is so important for children to be under regular, wellness chiropractic care.

Subluxation Degeneration

chiropracticWhen a Subluxation is left uncorrected over years , a process known as Subluxation Degeneration will occur. Subluxation Degeneration is a condition where the joints wear out prematurely and your spine literally decays like a rotting tooth. Many people go to the chiropractor for regular check ups to make sure that they are not suffering from spinal degeneration.

Only a proper chiropractic examination, including X-rays and neurological examination, can detect VSC.  And only Chiropractic Adjustments can correct VSC.

Call Barton Chiropractic in Concord today at 925 685-2002 to schedule your free consultation, or visit our website at


Chiropractic Adjustments Are Essential to Health as Well as Prevention

The purpose of the chiropractic adjustment is not to treat back pain, though relief of back pain and neck pain is often a nice side effect. Chiropractic adjustments correct Vertebral Subluxation Complex (VSC), allowing your body to heal and function at a higher level… physically, mentally and socially.
Chiropractic adjustments are gentle, specific and scientific.

Our main technique is Gonstead, which can be exceptionally gentle, and specific, allowing me to adjust a particular subluxated vertebra in several planes of motion. It also allows me to adjust spinal discs, the temporo-mandibular joints, and extremities (hips, knees, shoulders, etc.)

Proper chiropractic analysis is always applied, with the basic information of initial exam, X-rays and neurological exams, and periodic progressive exams, along with analysis on every visit, pre and post every adjustment. This is not just “How do you feel?”


What do you think would happen If you stopped brushing your teeth?

What if you never went to the dentist to have him check your teeth? Does it make sense that someone would live with the pain. Or just wait for it to go away?

You can prevent Subluxation Degeneration.



Call 925 685-2002 today to schedule a free consultation with one of our doctors, or click on the link to visit our website Barton Chiropractic in Concord.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

How Chiropractic Helps Moms

Watch to see how chiropractic can help with labor and delivery.

How Chiropractic Helps Moms

See how adjustments help to keep your pelvis moving well when you're in labor and why you can you have a faster labor because of chiropractic care during pregnancy.


Chiropractic Helps Labor and Delivery

How Chiropractic Helps Moms

See how adjustments help to keep your pelvis moving well when you're in labor and why you can you have a faster labor because of chiropractic care during pregnancy.


The spine and nervous system are connected to...

The spine and nervous system are connected to...

The spine and nervous system are connected to every aspect of our health and wellness.

Chiropractor says: let them crawl!

Research shows that the position & movements of crawling profoundly effect posture, spine strength, & neurological health.

Chiropractor says: let them crawl!

Crawling is an important developmental activity for infants. Research shows that the position and movements of crawling profoundly effect posture, spine strength, and neurological health. Safeguard the house, keep an eye on the infant at all times, and watch them zoom!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Asthma Cases Rising At Alarming Rate

 Concord Chiropractor Helps Asthma ?

This once rare disorder has exploded in incidence and is now the most common chronic disease of children. Some think it’s due to a combination of factors such as, the increasing use of vaccinations, the increase of chemicals in our environment, and our energy efficient, airtight, super-insulated homes that can trap chemicals, molds and formaldehyde as well as other irritants. Even the increasing use of cesarean births and antibiotics have been cited.

The root of asthma can be found in an improperly responding nervous system (neurogenic asthma), immune system (allergic asthma) or inflammatory system (inflammatory asthma).  

Why Chiropractic Helps Asthma and Allergies

Your diaphragm is the primary muscle used for breathing. Nerves that exit the spinal cord in the mid-neck (C3, C4 and C5) area control each breath . Pressure on the nervous system in this area can affect the nerve supply to the diaphragm. Chiropractors have found that irritation of the vagus nerve (which can be affected by subluxation (aka misalignment)  in the upper neck involving one of the top 2 vertebrae) or suppression of sympathetic nerve fibers (in the mid-back/thoracic spine) can lead to bronchial spasm. A chronic subluxation in the upper neck or other related area of the spine can put the nervous system close to threshold in spontaneously constricting the muscles of the bronchial tubes.

Asthma researchers say that an overactive parasympathetic nervous system can explain why such nonspecific stimuli such as smoke, viruses and even sudden weather changes trigger wheezing in both allergic and nonallergic asthmatics. 

Barton Chiropractic , through specific Chiropractic adjustments, is able to restore proper nervous system control of the lungs, allowing the body to function at an optimum level!

 Ever since I was 4 years old, I have had the worst allergies! Every picture I would have swollen eyes with dark circles under them. Since I started coming t o Dr. Barton I haven’t had hardly any allergy attacks. The best part… no more drugs. No sprays, drops, or pills.

Thank you,
True health care begins with prevention, not drugs, and it begins with you. Some one you know is needlessly suffering from Asthma or Allergies, there is hope. Tell them about Barton Chiropractic. We will gladly sit down with them and talk about there health problem.

When you refer some one to our office there is never a charge for their initial consultation.

Call Barton Chiropractic at 685-2002 now to schedule an appointment for a free consultation.

Chiropractic And Spinal Stenosis Pain

 Case Study Shows Chiropractic Benefit for   Spinal Stenosis

It is now easier than ever to get relief from Spinal Stenosis Pain. Chiropractor in Concord , Barton Chiropractic, has long been recognized as a leader in patient care.

  Lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) is a condition resulting in narrowing of the spinal canal and pressure on the spinal cord and/or nerve roots. Degenerative changes are also common.  The patient commonly has chronic low back pain and unilateral or bilateral leg symptoms.

May 2001 issue of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT):  Case report of how chiropractic helped a patient with Spinal Stenosis. 

In this study a 78-year-old man had low back pain and severe bilateral leg pains.

The patient in this study was a 78-year-old man with acquired degenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. The onset was slow and progressive with increasing low back pain of 2 years' duration and progressively worsening bilateral anterior leg pain of 4 months' duration.  The patient described an "achy low back" pain with a belt-line distribution and an “electric,” “sharp,” and “crampy” pain along the front of the lower leg.  The MRI study of his lower back reveled a narrowing of the spinal canal.

In this case the man underwent an initial course of chiropractic care for a two week period during which significant changes were noted by the patient. ( Years worth of damage, only two weeks of care and he was showing improvement!)

 The conclusion of the case report demonstrates successful care of a patient with symptoms either caused by or complicated by central spinal cord stenosis.

If you or someone you know is suffering from Spinal Stenosis there is hope. We may be able to help you! Call 925 685-2002 to schedule a free consultation to see if we can help you.

Friday, August 23, 2013

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Chiropractor in Concord Presents: Pain in The Rear: Chiropractic for Children

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

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Pain in The Rear: Chiropractic for Children

Pain in The Rear: Chiropractic for Children

Pain in The Rear: Chiropractic for Children

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Chiropractor in Concord Presents: 14 Natural Pain Relievers

Chiropractor in Concord Presents: 14 Natural Pain Relievers: Barton Chiropractic in Concord has been helping both children and adults suffering from back pain since back pain would really love ...

Chiropractor in Concord Presents: Healthy Breast

Chiropractor in Concord Presents: Healthy Breast: Barton Chiropractic , your Chiropractor in Concord , prides itself on providing the best total health care that we can. With over 26 years o...

Chiropractor in Concord Presents: Baby Having Trouble Sleeping? Abnormal Sleeping Pa...

Chiropractor in Concord Presents: Baby Having Trouble Sleeping? Abnormal Sleeping Pa...: Barton Chiropractic in Concord scours the web to bring you the latest health tips. I found this one very interesting. A case study...

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Baby Having Trouble Sleeping? Abnormal Sleeping Patterns Helped With Chiropractic

Barton Chiropractic in Concord scours the web to bring you the latest health tips. I found this one very interesting.

A case study published in the July 2006 issue of the peer-reviewed, scientific publication, the Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics (JCCP) documented the effects of chiropractic care on a nine month old infant girl with a history of disturbed sleep. The JCCP is the official publication of the Council on Chiropractic Pediatrics of the International Chiropractors Association.

 The average 9 month old should sleep approximately 14 hours per day.  In this case study a nine month old infant girl was presented for chiropractic care with a history of severely disrupted sleep and fussiness.  Additionally, the infant was refusing to breastfeed on one side and exhibited, what was called a generally unsettled behavior.  It was also noted that the child would not turn her head to the left.  These problems had been occurring since birth. Most likely this was the result of birth trauma. Our Concord Chiropractic office has seen numerous newborns suffering from all kinds of health problems, that upon further examination were found to be the result of a difficult birth.

The examination confirmed a reduced range of neck motion to the left and significant muscle tension in the left and upper neck. Upon touching the neck the child exhibited signs of being in pain by crying and moving away.  It was determined that subluxations were present, and an appropriate course of adjustments was initiated.

The results in this case were very impressive.  The study noted that on the afternoon after the infants first adjustment the baby girl fell asleep for 5 hours.  This was followed by nighttime sleep of 2 periods of 6 hours each.  Over the next three weeks of care the daytime sleep got shorter, but the nighttime sleep remained between 6 and 8 hours. 

In addition to the dramatic sleep improvement, the child also improved her range of neck motion and was able to turn her head to the left in response to sound on the left side.  Additionally the infant began to feed freely and comfortably. 

In their conclusion, the authors of the case study noted that the dramatic improvements after just one adjustment indicated that the vertebral subluxation found in this case was at least in part responsible for the disrupted sleep pattern.

Chiropractic care is more than just pain relief. If you or someone that you know is suffering there is a very good chance that we can help. Only Chiropractic can remove interference in your nervous system allowing your body to heal itself of any disease known to man.

This does not mean that chiropractic can cure disease. But if you think about it, your entire body is controlled by your nervous system. We know that pinched nerves decrease nerve function. It makes sense to me that your body will be healthier if we can get the pressure off of the nerve and allow the body to function at its best.

If you or someone you know would like to find out if their nervous system is in danger, or just not functioning at 100%, you are in luck. Call our office at 925 685-2002 and schedule a free consultation.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Healthy Breast

Barton Chiropractic, your Chiropractor in Concord, prides itself on providing the best total health care that we can. With over 26 years of experience Dr. Barton has seen first hand the importance of breast health. We understand that for women that have firm dense breast, mammograms can be inaccurate 60% of the time. Not only are they not very accurate but they can be painful as well as expose you to significant amounts of radiation.

As a husband of a beautiful wife as well as the father of a beautiful daughter, I knew that there had to be a better way to screen for problems in ladies breast. After a bit of research I found out that there really is a much better option available. It is called Breast Thermography. So Barton Chiropractic in Concord has invited Nancy Gardner-Heaven a Pioneer in the field of Medical Thermography, she has been instrumental in changing the paradigm of breast health. Her research has proven that many surgeries for pre-cancerous conditions are unnecessary and these conditions can be reversed by lifestyle and dietary improvements.


What is Thermography? Thermography is a non-contact technique for early detection of breast cancer without the hazard of carcinogenic radiation. (1) The infrared camera takes thermal images (pictures) that can detect subtle changes in breast physiology up to ten years before a cancerous tumor can be detected by other sources such as mammography or skilled palpation. This is the most reliable form of early detection though not often used by the medical field, it is becoming more readily available. Thermography has a 9% for both false positive and false negative readings. (2) Thermography is painless and offers a view of the entire chest and underarm area.
The infrared images show subtle temperature changes in the breast tissue. Blood supply or vascularity shows up hyperthermic (hot) and looks white in color. Hypothermic (cold) shows up dark in color. Normal breast tissue shows up in varying shades in-between.

TH-2 Benign Thermography Report: This Infrared Image shows symmetric vascular-like features as “hot” appearing like lightening bolts. There is the same amount of these features bi-laterally (both sides), which is normal. Also these features responded normally to the autonomic challenge, which means that when she put her hands on ice these features contracted down (get colder) as they should. There is no risk of malignancy with this reading so it is considered benign.

 Abnormal Breast
TH-3 Atypical Thermography Report: This Infrared Image shows an asymmetric vascular-like feature in the right breast, which appears on the left side of the picture (a mirror image). This hyperthermic feature (hot) did respond normally to the autonomic challenge putting this thermography reading at a

 Abnormal Breast

TH-5F Abnormal Thermography Report: This Infrared Image shows vascular-like hyperthermic feature in the lateral (outside portion) of the right breast (point 1). This feature is abnormally complex and is >1.4ºC above the base emission levels (temperature) of the contra-lateral breast (point 2), which is considered and anarch sign (indicating pathology). This reading is at a 96% risk of confirming malignancy. When we add ‘F’ to the TH-5F it indicates that we are also seeing “cold” or hypothermic features in the caudal (lower portion) of the breasts indicating benign fiber-adenoma cysts.

 Abnormal Breast

This Infrared Image; Demonstrates diffuse hyperthermic features through out the entire upper body. These features show up like the spots on a leopard. This indicates hyper-metabolic lymphatic system typical of common viral infections, toxic exposure, seasonal or food allergies. The twenty-one day detoxification program offered at Optimum Health Clinic is instrumental in ridding the body of these toxins and supporting immune function.

 Abnormal Breast

Thermal Image Showing Yellow Banding:
This image would be rated TH2. The symmetric (in both breasts) hyperthermic features indicates a metabolic imbalance. This type of vascularity is seen in pregnant women and considered normal but when found in a menopausal woman it indicates an abundance of estrogen or an imbalance in the estrogen to progesterone ratio. This is also known as estrogen dominance and could lead to unhealthy breasts, if not addressed. Further testing of the hormones is recommend with natural supplementation as needed as a preventative measure.

Nancy Gardner-Heaven - Pioneer in the field of Medical Thermology, has been instrumental in changing the paradigm of breast health. Her research has proven that many surgeries for pre-cancerous conditions are unnecessary and these conditions can be reversed by lifestyle and dietary improvements.

Monitoring the breast with Thermography is safe and accurate as there is no harmful radiation or painful compression. Nancy is board certified by the American Board of Thermology at Auburn University and continues to offer Comprehensive Breast Screenings as well as Full Body Thermography Scans in numerous mobile locations around the Bay Area and in Hawaii.

Dr. Nancy Gardner is the author of a research on Reversing Ductal Carcinoma in Situ and preventing other diseases.
Women Helping Women

10% of all profit goes to support women with breast cancer so they are empowered with knowledge to make intelligent decisions about their breast health. If you know of someone who needs support tell them to call for a free consultation: (925) 685-2002
Thermography Breast and Full Body Scans

Comprehensive Breast Thermography includes: The initial visit where the patient filling out a complete history related to breast, health and fertility. The patient will uncloth herself from the waste up for five minutes to cool off before five thermal images are taken with a high resolution medical grade infrared camera before and after she holds ice for one minute*. After the images are taken a complete breast exam is preformed by a female technician and notes 'mapping' the specific feature found in that exam are 'mapped' on a chart for the patient to use for their monthly 'self breast exams'. A comprehensive two page report with colored thermal images noting the emission levels (temperature) of all pertenent features is provided within a week. Every annual breast thermography report will have the previous images and current images side by side to compair the various features of concernes so as to offer a comprehensive comparative analysis in order to determine if the patient is improving. After receiving the report the patient then calls to schedule their complimentary phone consultation to go over this report in detail so that all their questions and concerns can be addressed. We also offer a complimentary consultation for any patient or any women with breast cancer to answer any questions about the best possible way to address their individual breast health issues. This is why our Comprehensive Breast Thermography Screening is superior to any others that are available to date.
*This autonomic challenge (holding ice) distinguishes nitric oxide dilated neo-angiogenic blood vessels associated with malignant neoplasm, from normal blood vessels. Using the Marseilles Classification Study from the Pasteur Institute in Marseilles, France, Breast Thermography is rated at a 9% error rate for both false negative and false positive. Compared to Mammography at a 40% false negative and 80% false positive, Thermography is far more accurate. There is also no radiation that can cause breast cancer or painful compression with thermography.

Ratings of Thermography from the Marseilles Classification are as such: TH-1 and TH-2 = Benign, TH-3 = Atypical (10 to 35% risk for malignancy), TH-4 and TH-5 = Abnormal (65 to 96% risk for malignancy). 
For information about upcoming screenings at Barton Chiropractic in Concord, call 925 685-2002.