Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Chiropractic Dentist ?

Subluxation Degeneration

Doctors of Chiropractic know that when a Subluxation is left uncorrected over years , a process known as Subluxation Degeneration will occur. This process is not unlike leaving a cavity in a tooth to degenerate and rot away. Others (in Medicine) may incorrectly define this as “spinal arthritis,” an accurate description, (arth = joint and it is= inflammation).  The reality is, Subluxation Degeneration is not a disease process; it is your body trying to prevent worse damage, like spinal fracture. All because you have vertebrae that are out of alignment with one another. Chiropractors correct subluxation preventing this process.

There are four phases of Subluxation Degeneration, up to and including spinal fusion.

This video was prepared by Dr. Joseph Ferrantelli .
He does an excellent job of demonstrating the degeneration that takes place with Subluxation.

This process unfortunately is often painless. Often times during a consultation with a patient they will say something like;  " My back goes out once and a while, but it usually goes away in a couple of days," or I just thought it would go away. Just like a tooth ache that may come and go will eventually lead to a rotten tooth possibly a root canal, Subluxation leads to Subluxation Degeneration.

How important is it to go to the dentist and get a check up periodically?

It is every bit as important to get your spine checked to assure that your body is functioning at 100% and not premature joint degeneration.

Don't wait until it is too late! Call Barton Chiropractic at 925 685-2002 and schedule your free consultation.

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