Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Agesia and Chiropractor in Concord

Did you know that Agesia (loss of taste) and Anosmia (loss of smell) could be symptoms of something wrong in your back?

This is the case of a sixty year old man who had gone to a chiropractic clinic for lower back pain. During the examination he revealed that he had lost his senses of smell and taste 18 months earlier while he was suffering from a common cold.
Chiropractic care: An atlas subluxation was found and he was adjusted using a toggle recoil technique, T3 and a PI ileum were also adjusted.

Results: Later that evening the patient reported: “I don’t know what you did, but this is the first time I’ve been able to taste and smell anything for the past year.”

At a six week reexamination, smell and taste were still intact and his lower back pain had resolved. (A remission of anosmia and agesia following chiropractic adjustments. Filosa DA R Palmer Research Forum Winter 1988; 4(2):43-45)

If you or a loved one are suffering from these symptoms call your Chiropractor in Concord at 925-685-2002 or visit our website at www.bartonchiro.com

Aids/HIV and Chiropractor in Concord

By: Taylor N. Barton

    Barton Chiropractic in Concord is constantly reviewing the latest healthcare research so that     we can provide you with the best possible health care. Recently I ran across this article so I thought I would share it. 

As foreign substances enter your body they are immediately confronted with an army of white blood cells and antibodies coordinated by blood cells known as CD4 lymphocytes. HIV immediately targets these commander cells and insert their own genetic makeup into the lymphocytes and replicate themselves. When the new copies of the virus break out of the host cells and enter the bloodstream, they search for other cells to attack. In the meantime, the old host cells and some uninfected CD4 cells die from the effects of the virus. The cycle repeats itself again and again. In the process, billions of new HIV particles are produced every day. Eventually, the number of CD4 cells in the body decreases, leading to severe immune deficiency, which means your body can no longer effectively fight off viruses and bacteria that cause disease. Other than a few medications to slow down this process there is no other known cure.

Barton Chiropractic in Concord can help your body AIDS/HIV!!! Check these studies out!

Two male siblings ages 4 and 6 with “HIV infections” and “full-blown AIDS.”
Both boys suffered from severe hyperemesis (vomiting) associated with a hyperactive gag reflex and were on a liquid diet: the six-year-old by mouth and the 4-year-old by gastric tube. The 6-year-old had a viral load of 1,200+ and was on a therapy regime of antiviral drugs. His 4-year-old brother, with a viral load of 1,000,000+ was on a cocktail of HIV medications (after the monotherapy failed). The 4-year-old had a history of chronic ear infections and the 6-year-old had severe learning disabilities. Both boys needed a walker or bilateral canes. The older boy had uncontrollable dribbling. Spinal examination of the 4-year-old revealed subluxations at occiput/atlas, C1, C4, T4, T9 and Tl2. Spinal examination of the 6-year-old revealed subluxations at C1, T1, and T8 and AS of the right ileum.Adjustments of the subluxated segments were begun; each boy was initially seen 2 times a week for three weeks.

Within three weeks of initial care the older boy could walk better, he was able to use only one cane instead of two, he ate solid food for the first time since birth, his chronic drooling stopped as did his gagging and vomiting. However, if he went longer than 30 days without an adjustment his gag reflex returned as well as the uncontrolled vomiting.The younger boy was able to stop the gastric feeding and take his liquid food orally, his vomiting reduced and his chronic ear infections ceased. In a few months he was able to eat solid food. His viral load dropped from 1,000,000+ to 5! As long as he was adjusted 1-2 times per month his vomiting did not return. (Chronic hyperemesis in two siblings with AIDS. Fallon, J Int’l Chiropractic Association Review Summer 2002.)

All the patients in this group had HIV and full-blown AIDS and were receiving medical treatment. In addition, five patients started chiropractic care. After 6 months, those not under chiropractic care suffered a decline of 7.96% in CD4 levels (and two deaths) while the group receiving chiropractic adjustments experienced a 48% increase in CD4 cell counts.

This indicates that correction of upper cervical subluxation could improve immunocompetence.Note: The study was originally intended to go on for one year, but after two patients in the control group died of AIDS, Dr. Grostic decided to end the study and put the surviving controls under chiropractic care. (The effects of specific upper cervical adjustments on the CD4 counts of HIV positive patients. Selano JL, Hightower BC, Pfleger B, et al. Chiropractic Research Journal. 1994; 3(1): 32-39.)

Call your Chiropractor in Concord now at 925 685-2002 to see how Chiropractic can help you or visit us on the web at www.bartonchiro.com

Allergies and Chiropractor in Concord

By: Taylor N. Barton

    Barton Chiropractic in Concord is constantly reviewing the latest healthcare research so that     we can provide you with the best possible health care. Recently I ran across this article so I thought I would share it.

Allergies are caused by an immune disorder that causes the immune system to overreact to an allergen (pollen, milk, animal dander, nuts, etc.); the body attempt to regulate these reactions by producing histamines to counteract it. Orthodox medicine has no cure for allergies, only treatments which can sometimes be more harmful than the allergies themselves. Chiropractic is an all-natural treatment for allergies that works by permitting the immune system to work at its full capacity. By removing vertebral subluxations, the immune system is able to naturally produce neutralizers to combat allergy-causing chemicals in the environment. Chiropractic focuses not on invasive medications, but on building a healthy body. Barton Chiropractic, my Chiropractor in Concord has been helping people with allergies get relief since 1986.

Call your Chiropractor in Concord today at 925-685-2002 or visit our website at www.bartonchiro.com

Arnold-Chiari Malformation and Chiropractor in Concord

By: Taylor N. Barton

    Barton Chiropractic in Concord is constantly reviewing the latest healthcare research so that we can provide you with the best possible health care. Recently I ran across this article so I thought I would share it.

Chiari malformation is a condition in which brain tissue protrudes into your spinal canal. It occurs when part of your skull is abnormally small or misshapen, pressing on your brain and forcing it downward. Chiari malformation is uncommon, but improved imaging tests have led to more frequent diagnoses.” (MayoClinic ).

Chiari malformations are put into four categories depending on severity and the depending on the anatomy of the brain tissue that is displaced into the spinal canal, and whether developmental abnormalities of the brain or spine are present.

Chiari malformations may lead to hydrocephalus (This accumulation of excess fluid within the brain may require placement of a flexible tube (shunt) to divert and drain the cerebrospinal fluid to another area of the body), paralysis (This may occur due to the crowding and pressure on the spinal cord. Paralysis tends to be permanent, even after treatment with surgery), syringomyelia. (a cavity or cyst forms within the spinal column, it tends to be filled with fluid and can additionally impair the function of the spinal cord), and death. In these cases surgery is almost always recommended and can usually not fix the more permanent complications.

Did you know Chiropractic can help? Check this out!

This is the case of a 39-year-old woman with complaints of intermittent bouts of fatigue, dizziness, facial numbness, ataxia, headaches, difficulty speaking, and diffuse arthralgias (pains) during the past two years. She had already undergone extensive medical testing which revealed a mild Arnold-Chiara Type 1 malformation. Upon further investigation, it was decided that the A-C malformation was an incidental finding, unrelated to her symptoms. Medically, no solution or explanation of her symptoms could be found. The patient had an array of diffuse symptoms, most of which could be explained neurologically by the effects of an upper cervical subluxation.

 Using the Grostic method of upper cervical analysis, the authors measured an occipito-atlanto-axial subluxation and managed the patient using the Grostic procedure of hand adjusting for the upper cervical region. Following the first and subsequent upper cervical adjustments she experienced significant relief of her symptoms. She has not felt the need to seek medical intervention since beginning chiropractic care. (Effects of upper cervical subluxation concomitant with a mild Arnold-Chiari malformation: a case study. Smith, JL. Chiropractic Research Journal, 1997;4(2):77-81.)

Call your Chiropractor in Concord now at 925 685-2002 to see how Chiropractic can help you or visit our website at www.bartonchiro.com

Back Pain During Pregnancy and Chiropractor in Concord

By: Taylor N. Barton

Chiropractor in Concord for back pain
Pregnancy should be a time of great joy.  Unfortunately it is often marred by relentless discomforts such as morning sickness, mood swings, and back pain.

Back pain during pregnancy occurs in some women at the onset of pregnancy, especially in those who are overweight or have a preexisting back condition.

Back pain during pregnancy can be caused by a number of factors including but not limited to: increased hormones, change in center of gravity, additional weight, posture, and stress. As the uterus stretches to 1,000 times its normal size it is no wonder that studies show that anywhere from 50- 70% of women suffer from back pain.

There are many different steps that can be taken to reduce the frequency and severity of back pain. Barton Chiropractic, my Chiropractor in Concord has been helping expecting mothers get out of pain since 1986.

 Chiropractic is very common and totally safe to treat back pain during pregnancy. Many women have found relief not only with their back pain during pregnancy but with delivery as well. Although the other methods might assuage the pain, chiropractic can fix some of the factors causing it such as a misaligned spine, a pinched nerve, or subluxations.
back pain and pregnancy

As a member of the American Pregnancy Association, our expertise is often called upon by women suffering from back pain during pregnancy. All of our doctors have been trained in special techniques for adjusting pregnant women and we will do everything that we can to get you out of pain as soon as possible.

Call your Chiropractor in Concord now at 925 685-2002 to see how Chiropractic can help you. Or visit our website at www.BartonChiro.com

Fevers and Chiropractor in Concord

Taylor N. Barton

Fevers can originate for any number of reasons such as a virus or infection; certain inflammatory conditions; heat exhaustion; malignant tumors; medications; some immunizations, such as the diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis (DTaP) or pneumococcal vaccines (in infants and children); and many, many more. Your body’s temperature is an average 98.3 that varies by a few degrees depending on different body styles, time of day and activities. Your hypothalamus works as a thermostat for your whole body. Your temperature is the balance of the heat produced by your body tissues, particularly your liver and muscles, and the heat your body loses. When you're ill, your normal temperature may be set a few points higher as your body directs blood away from your skin to decrease heat loss.

When a fever starts and your body tries to elevate its temperature, you feel chilly and may shiver to generate heat until the blood around your hypothalamus reaches the new set point. When your temperature begins to return to normal, you may sweat profusely to get rid of the excess heat.

Depending on what's causing your fever, additional fever symptoms may include:
 Sweating
 Shivering
 Headache
 Muscle aches
 Loss of appetite
 Dehydration
 General weakness
High fevers between 103 F (39.4 C) and 106 F (41.1 C) may cause:
 Hallucinations
 Confusion
 Irritability
 Convulsions

As a general rule of thumb, fevers are usually a good thing because it is your bodies way of responding to something; however, if your temperature exceeds 103 it is considered dangerous. Strange febrile conditions can occure and have no sure cause or treatment.

This is the study of a three year old female with recurring fever of unknown origin once or twice per month. The girl had suffered from repeated sinus and upper respiratory infections during her first year of life and had been given aspirin and other medications to lower the fever. The child began chiropractic care and during the next eight months she had only two additional fever episodes. (Adjusting the febrile pediatric patient. Peet, JB Chiropractic Pediatrics, 1996; Vol 2 No.3: 11-12)

Call your Chiropractor in Concord now at 925 685-2002 to see how Chiropractic can help you or visit our website at www.bartonchiro.com

Fibromyalgia and Concord Chiropractor

by: Taylor N. Barton

    Barton Chiropractic in Concord is constantly reviewing the latest healthcare research so that     we can provide you with the best possible health care. Recently I ran across this article so I thought I would share it.
DSC_9024.JPGFibromyalgia is a widely misunderstood condition that causes widespread pain and fatigue. If you've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and are trying to learn all you can about the condition, you may come across some myths and misconceptions about fibromyalgia, the most prevalent and detrimental of which is that nothing can be done but learning how to cope. There are a few medications out that the medical doctors say can help deal with the symptoms but they offer no cure and admit that you sill still experience pain and that your best weapon is to maintain a good attitude by: watching a funny movie, talking with a friend, spending time outside, and avoiding negative talk. Do you know what would make me have a good attitude about my fibromyalgia? Finding a way to relieve my pain and not just help me get through it so that I can get back to enjoying my life.

Did you know there’s another way? Check this out ! Back Pain Relief

A study showed that all fibromyalgia patients getting adjusted reported maintaining their improvements at 1 to 1 ½ years or more of follow up. After care every patient was able to resume normal activities including full time work. (Upper cervical management of primary fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome cases. Amalu WC. Today’s Chiropractic May/June 2000 Pp.76-86.)

Chiropractic works! If you or your loved one is suffering from fibromyalgia call you Chiropractor in Concord today at 925 685-2002,and start living again. Or visit our website at www.BartonChiro.com

Gangrene and Chiropractor in Concord

by: Taylor N. Barton

    Barton Chiropractic in Concord is constantly reviewing the latest healthcare research so that     we can provide you with the best possible health care. Recently I ran across this article so I thought I would share it.

Life is in the blood, right? Blood feeds all your skin, muscles, organs, everything, with the nutrients, antibodies, and oxygen necessary to function. Do you know what happens when that life giving blood is restricted and cannot flow to all regions of the body? This interruption of blood flow results in cell decay and eventually death; this is called gangrene. Gangrene can be caused by a trauma that physically impedes blood flow, or a bacterial infection. Underlying conditions such as diabetes or atherosclerosis can also impede blood flow which may in some cases lead to gangrene. Gangrene most commonly affects the extremities, including your toes, fingers and limbs, but it can also occur in your muscles and internal organs.

When gangrene affects your skin, signs and symptoms may include:
■A blue or black discoloration of your skin
■Severe pain followed by a feeling of numbness
■A foul-smelling discharge leaking from a sore

Treatments for gangrene include surgery to remove dead tissue, antibiotics and other approaches. If you’re like me, then this sounds extremely intrusive and debilitating.

Did you know Chiropractic can help patients with gangrene?

A 40 year old woman whose circulation decreased dramatically on her right side. Her foot began to swell and turn blue and she was told that nothing could be done to save the foot from amputation. Patient refused. She asked her relatives to bring her to the chiropractor. Under care, the circulation returned to her foot. The gangrenous toes dropped off but the foot “entirely healed.” Patient reported to be in continued good health 20 years later. [From the records of the Bebout College of Chiropractic, Indianapolis, Indiana (April 1927)]

Do not wait till it’s too late. Call your Chiropractor in Concord now at 925 685-2002 to see how Chiropractic can help you. Or visit our website at www.BartonChiro.com

Gynecological Conditions and Chiropractor in Concord

By: Taylor N. Barton

    Barton Chiropractic in Concord is constantly reviewing the latest healthcare research so that     we can provide you with the best possible health care. Recently I ran across this article so I thought I would share it.

Pelvic pain; dysmenorrheal; low back pain; uterine, bowel, gynecologic and/or sexual dysfunction; and uterine bleeding are all symptoms of gynecological problems. Whereas an OB/GYN might prescribe medication or suggest a hysterectomy but Chiropractic care has been shown to improve gynecological issues such as the aforesaid.

This is the case of a 45 year old woman who had been suffering from constant pain in the lower back and the right lower quandrant of the abdomen. She had initially gone to her OB/GYN. She was first given antibiotics with little improvement. A total abdominal hysterectomy was then performed (including the tubes and the ovaries). Her pain was gone after the surgery, for about 3 weeks. Then it returned. Chiropractic examination revealed disc herniation at L1-L2 and disk bulge at L5-S1. Her neurologist recommended back surgery (laminectomy). Patient refused. After six months chiropractic care, she remains relatively pain free. She could have avoided major surgery if she had seen a chiropractor first. (Neurological Pelvic Pain. Molina N. Dynamic Chiropractic Jan 29th, 2001 p. 28, 40.)

This girl had trauma to the thoracic and lumbar spine and had not responded to homeopathic and antibiotic therapy for two years. The patient received eight chiropractic adjustments over a period of two months with complete resolution of the complaint. (Chiropractic management of a 7-year-old female with recurrent urinary tract infections. Vallone SA. Chiropractic Technique 1998: 10:113-117.)

This review paper examined a number of studies that have shown a positive correlation between chiropractic intervention and the alleviation of the suffering associated with primary dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea can feature different kinds of pain, including sharp, throbbing, dull, nauseating, burning, or shooting pain. Dysmenorrhea may precede menstruation by several days or may accompany it, and it usually subsides as menstruation tapers off. Dysmenorrhea may coexist with excessively heavy blood loss, known as menorrhagia. ( Polus, BI, Henry SJ, Walsh MJ. Chiro J Aust 1996; 26:21-4. )

This is the study of 496 female patients with gynecological problems (inflammation, dysmenorrhea, sacral pain etc.) who underwent chiropractic care. Immediate relief occurred in most cases. (Theoretical considerations to the clinic and therapy of spinal disturbances in gynecology. Dvorak N. Manuelle Medizin, 1973, Heft 1. Five pages )

Call your Chiropractor in Concord now at 925 685-2002 to see how Chiropractic can help you.Or visit our website at www.BartonChiro.com

Headaches/ Migraines and Chiropractor in Concord

Severe headaches and migraines can affect people from early childhood to adulthood and on to late adulthood. Symptoms include (but are not limited to):
•sensitivity to light and sound
•pulsating or throbbing head pain which may affect one or both sides of the head
•pain that worsens with physical activity
•pain that interferes with daily activities
•nausea with or without vomiting
Without treatment these migraines can last up to 72 hours, severely impacting your quality of life.

Case studies have shown that chiropractic can treat headaches and migraines. Just listen to all these amazing, and true testimonials:

This was a six month study of 127 migraine sufferers half of whom had diversified chiropractic adjustments. The other half was the control group. Subjects in the manipulation group demonstrated statistically significant improvement in migraine frequency, headache duration, disability and medication use. 22% of those undergoing chiropractic care reported more than 90% reduction in migraines after two months. About 50% reported significant improvement in severity of migraine episodes. (Tuchin PJ, Pollard H, Bonello R. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Feb. 2000:23(2), PP.91-5. )

A ten year-old girl with chronic, severe migraine (6 times a week for the past 3 years) was unable to go to school due to the severity of her condition. She was treated at a Children’s Hospital by a neurologist. Chiropractic examination revealed VSC at C1/C2. The patient’s headaches improved following her 3rd adjustment (one week) at which time she stopped using Periactin™ Syrup (prescribed by her pediatrician). By the third week she was back in school and started dance classes for the first time in 2 years, “and actually began to smile again.” She was leading a normal and healthy life for a child her age by the end of the 5th visit. (Bofshever, H. International Chiropractic Pediatric Newsletter Jan/Feb 2000 )

332 patients received an average of 8.6 chiropractic adjustments. 80% of patients had excellent (pain-free) and good (almost pain-free) outcomes with 10 reporting a 75% decrease in pain. (Droz JM, Crot F. Swiss Annals Vlll, 1985; 127-36.)

These are just a few examples and there are many more, if you suffer excruciating and debilitating headaches or migraines call Barton Chiropractic at 925-685-2002. My Chiropractor in Concord has been helping people suffering from headaches and migraine get out of pain since 1986 or visit our website at www.bartonchiro.com and get relief today!

Hip Dysplasia and Chiropractor in Concord

by: Taylor N. Barton

MayoClinic defines dysplasia as: a bone disorder in which scar-like (fibrous) tissue develops in place of normal bone. As the bone grows, the softer, fibrous tissue expands, weakening the bone. Fibrous dysplasia can cause the affected bone to deform and become susceptible to fracture. Mild cases of fibrous dysplasia usually cause no signs or symptoms. More-serious cases may result in bone pain and deformity, which usually develop before age 15. The basic cause of fibrous dysplasia is unknown. Fibrous dysplasia can affect any bone in your body. There's no cure for fibrous dysplasia.

WAIT! No cure? According to your average medical doctor you only solution is drugs and surgery.

Here’s the GOOD NEWS! Chiropractic care can help fix dysplasia!

This is the case study of a 7 day-old infant with hip dysplagia affecting left leg. The patient wore a brace, which restricted movement of both legs. Infant would not extend left leg and did not have full range of motion. Examination revealed a sacral subluxation. After adjustment, child could extend left leg and had full range of motion. Patient returned one week later, no hip dysplagia evident. According to the parents, their orthopedist was amazed and could not understand what had happened. Parents did not tell him that they had taken the baby to a chiropractor. (Hip Dysplagia in 7 day old infant. Case Studies. Webster, L. Chiropractic Showcase Magazine, Vol. 2, Issue 5, Summer 1994.)

Low back
and hip pain could be a sign of underlying problems. Call your Chiropractor in Concord now at 925 685-2002 to see how Chiropractic can help you or visit our website at www.bartonchiro.com

Hip and Sacroiliac pain

Did you know that in a study 57% of patients presented at a chiropractic center suffered from Sacroiliac joint dysfunction? ( Low force method of spinal correction and fixation of the sacroiliac joint. Gemmell HA, Heng BJ. The Amer Chiro 1987; Nov:28-32.)

Did you know that SI joint dysfunction has been implicated as a common cause of back pain in more than 30% of children?

There are two types of SI joint dysfunction: primary and
Primary SI dysfunction arises from trauma such as blows, falls on the buttock, or from attempts to save oneself from falling. Knocking the SI joints out of place can affect the structural integrity of the entire spine. The SI joints themselves are held in place by small ligaments, which can be stretched out of position if there is a traumatic dislocation.

Secondary SI dysfunction comes on slowly, producing a chronic misalignment. Muscle atrophy on one side and overdevelopment on the other may be associated with a scoliosis, pelvic tilt or an actual shortening of one leg. Over time the entire spine can be affected, and one shoulder blade or one side of the ribcage may appear more pronounced than the other. Eventually, uneven pressure on the spine damage discs.

 At Barton Chiropractic in Concord, our goal of care is to restore a normal relationship between the sacrum and ilium and to maintain it with suitable support.(Sacroiliac joint dysfunction and low back pain in school aged children. Mierau DR Cassidy, J.D. et al. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 1984; 7(2):81-84.)

If you or someone you know is suffering from Hip and Low back pain, this can indicate underlying problems. Do not wait till it’s too late. Call your Chiropractor in Concord now at 925 685-2002 to see how Chiropractic can help you. Or visit our website at http://www.bartonchiro.com/

By: Taylor N. Barton