Monday, January 28, 2013

Mammograms; Good or Evil?

Back pain relief is but a small part of our job as a Chiropractor. At Barton Chiropractic in Concord we are committed to your health. that is why we constantly provide you with the latest research that we believe will help you to lead the healthy lifestyle you desire. 

Today we are going to start with breast health. I am not saying not to get mammograms. I am just letting you know that there are safer and better options available.


  Mammograms aren't always accurate. The accuracy of the procedure depends in part on the technique used and the experience and skill of the radiologist. Other factors — such as your age and breast density — may result in false-negative or false-positive mammograms. Tell your doctor if you've noticed a change in one of your breasts, especially if your mammogram is interpreted as normal. If you've had a change in your breast, your doctor may order a diagnostic mammogram so that the suspicious area is looked at more closely than can be done with a screening mammogram.
·  Mammograms in younger women can be difficult to interpret. The breasts of younger women contain more glands and ligaments than do those of older women, resulting in dense breast tissue that can obscure signs of cancer. With age, breast tissue becomes fattier and has fewer glands, making it easier to interpret and detect changes on mammograms.
·  Having a mammogram may lead to additional testing. Among women of all ages, about 10 percent of mammograms require additional testing, including additional imaging tests such as ultrasound, and a procedure (biopsy) to remove a sample of breast tissue for laboratory testing. However, most abnormal findings detected on mammograms aren't cancer. If you're told that your mammogram is abnormal, make sure that the radiologist has compared your current mammogram with any previous mammograms.
·  Screening mammography can't detect all cancers. Some cancers detected by physical examination may not be seen on the mammogram. A cancer may be too small or may be in an area that is difficult to view by mammography, such as your armpit. Mammograms can miss 1 in 5 cancers in women.
·  Not all of the tumors found by mammography can be cured. Certain types of cancers are aggressive, grow rapidly and spread early to other parts of your body.

I believe that Breast thermography is a much better option. I will be posting more info on breast thermography  in up coming post.

If you would like more information contact Concord Chiropractor the back pain relief specialist at 925 685-2002

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