•sensitivity to light and sound
•pulsating or throbbing head pain which may affect one or both sides of the head
•pain that worsens with physical activity
•pain that interferes with daily activities
•nausea with or without vomiting
Without treatment these migraines can last up to 72 hours, severely impacting your quality of life.
Case studies have shown that chiropractic can treat headaches and migraines. Just listen to all these amazing, and true testimonials:

This was a six month study of 127 migraine sufferers half of whom had diversified chiropractic adjustments. The other half was the control group. Subjects in the manipulation group demonstrated statistically significant improvement in migraine frequency, headache duration, disability and medication use. 22% of those undergoing chiropractic care reported more than 90% reduction in migraines after two months. About 50% reported significant improvement in severity of migraine episodes. (Tuchin PJ, Pollard H, Bonello R. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Feb. 2000:23(2), PP.91-5. )

332 patients received an average of 8.6 chiropractic adjustments. 80% of patients had excellent (pain-free) and good (almost pain-free) outcomes with 10 reporting a 75% decrease in pain. (Droz JM, Crot F. Swiss Annals Vlll, 1985; 127-36.)
These are just a few examples and there are many more, if you suffer excruciating and debilitating headaches or migraines call Barton Chiropractic at 925-685-2002. My Chiropractor in Concord has been helping people suffering from headaches and migraine get out of pain since 1986 or visit our website at www.bartonchiro.com and get relief today!
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