by: Taylor N. Barton
Barton Chiropractic in Concord is constantly reviewing the latest healthcare research so that we can provide you with the best possible health care. Recently I ran across this article so I thought I would share it.
Fibromyalgia is a widely misunderstood condition that causes widespread pain and fatigue. If you've been diagnosed with
fibromyalgia and are trying to learn all you can about the condition, you may come across some myths and misconceptions about
fibromyalgia, the most prevalent and detrimental of which is that nothing can be done but learning how to cope. There are a few medications out that the medical doctors say can help deal with the symptoms but they offer no cure and admit that you sill still experience pain and that your best weapon is to maintain a good attitude by: watching a funny movie, talking with a friend, spending time outside, and avoiding negative talk. Do you know what would make me have a good attitude about my
fibromyalgia? Finding a way to relieve my pain and not just help me get through it so that I can get back to enjoying my life.
Did you know there’s another way? Check this out !
A study showed that all
fibromyalgia patients getting adjusted reported maintaining their improvements at 1 to 1 ½ years or more of follow up. After care every patient was able to resume normal activities including full time work. (Upper cervical management of primary
fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome cases. Amalu WC. Today’s Chiropractic May/June 2000 Pp.76-86.)
Chiropractic works! If you or your loved one is suffering from
fibromyalgia call you
Chiropractor in Concord today at 925 685-2002,and start living again. Or visit our website at
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