Did you know that Agesia (loss of taste) and Anosmia (loss of smell) could be symptoms of something wrong in your back?

Chiropractic care: An atlas subluxation was found and he was adjusted using a toggle recoil technique, T3 and a PI ileum were also adjusted.
Results: Later that evening the patient reported: “I don’t know what you did, but this is the first time I’ve been able to taste and smell anything for the past year.”
At a six week reexamination, smell and taste were still intact and his lower back pain had resolved. (A remission of anosmia and agesia following chiropractic adjustments. Filosa DA R Palmer Research Forum Winter 1988; 4(2):43-45)
If you or a loved one are suffering from these symptoms call your Chiropractor in Concord at 925-685-2002 or visit our website at www.bartonchiro.com
Nice post Taylor! I'm impressed! This is fascinating!