Thursday, February 18, 2016

What causes headaches?

Headaches occur for a reason.

 A headache is your body's way of signaling you that something is not right.
headache, migraine

The Doctors at Barton Chiropractic recognize that a headache is the body's warning alarm. Often that pain may be attributed to muscle tension and irritation of the nerves and blood vessels in the neck.

You have seven cervical vertebrae (spinal bones) in your neck. These vertebrae can become misaligned from excessive physical and emotional stress. This misalignment can irritate the nerve roots in the neck and may even cause minor constriction in some vessels which supply blood to the brain. When this happens, a headache can strike. once, twice, and again and again. If not cared for, more serious symptoms may develop.
At Barton Chiropractic, our only concern is detecting and correcting Subluxations, ( pinched nerves caused by spinal misalignments) . Research has shown that it is these misaligned vertebrae that often cause headaches.
How can I get rid of my headaches?
I don't know. Seriously, I don't know. There are many causes for headaches. If your headaches are caused by misalignments, you can take drugs to cover them up. But we both know that that wont work forever. Or you can find a Chiropractor that specializes in structural correction , such as the doctors at Barton Chiropractic.
Call (925) 685-2002 for a free consultation!
We never charge you to sit down and talk to one of our doctors and find out if we can help. If we believe we can help you the next step will be to perform a thorough examination to determine if you have vertebral subluxations. If we determine that you do, and that they may be causing your headaches then we would proceed to take X-rays specific to your condition. Not just any X-rays but lose dose state of the art digital X-rays. Once we have determined that we can help you, we will sit down and go over your x-rays with you and explain exactly what is wrong as well as how long it will take to correct and exactly what it would cost.
At Barton Chiropractic, we are dedicated to helping you get out of pain as soon as possible. So if you or someone you love has been suffering with headaches, give us a call at (925) 685-2002 today to schedule your free consultation with one of our doctors.

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