- Acetaminophen can be found in over 600 OTC and prescription medications. You can be taking it and not even know it!
- The maximum amount taken should not exceed 4,000 mg (4 grams) in a 24-hour period; it should be noted that even small amounts over this cap can be toxic for the liver.
- Drinking alcohol, as well as using certain medications in conjunction with acetaminophen can further your chance of liver damage/failure.
- Tylenol can also be dangerous to the child carried by pregnant women; the danger is exacerbated after the fetus is over 14 weeks old.
- If you merely suspect a Tylenol over-dosage, medical attention needs to be sought immediately.
- There are 4 phases of acetominophen-induced liver damage/poisoning. Phase 1: ingestion within 24 hours; symptoms include nausea, paleness, vomiting and diaphoresis (too much sweating). Phase 2: within 18 to 72 hours; right quadrant pain, irregular heart beat, and high blood pressure. Phase 3: 72 to 86 hours; the most critical phase; pain, liver damage/failure, noted by hypoglycemia (lowered blood sugar), jaundice, coagulopathy (leading to bleeding), possible loss of normal brain activity, and some organ failures. Phase 4: four days to 3 weeks; it involves recovery, for those who survive the onslaught.
- Liver damage/failure may also include: clay-tinted stool, dark urine, jaundice (yellowing of skin, etc.), noticeable skin reactions/conditions. These skin conditions may include blistering, pigment changes, rashes, dry, scaly skin, scarring and, in severe cases, blindness.
- Acetaminophen can be found in a number of OTC medications: Benadryl, Actifed, Dristan, Formula 44, Cepacol, Dayquil, Excedrin, Anacin, Dimetapp, Midol, Robitussin, Sinutab, Triaminic, Vicks, Nyquil, Saint Joseph, Sudafed, Panadon, Theraflu, etc.
- Symptoms of liver damage include: a swollen abdomen (ascites); Jaundice; tenderness to the abdomen; changes in urine; dry, itchy, irritated skin; changes to the stool; nausea; appetite loss; retention of fluid; and lack of energy/exhaustion.
- Be especially careful when administering medications to minors without the supervision/advice of a healthcare provider.
If you suspect acetaminophen poisoning, seek medical attention ASAP; doing so may avert a damaged/failing liver--it may even prevent death.
All drugs have side effects. Most drugs simply cover up your symptoms allowing you to die more comfortably. If you or someone you know is in pain and suffering, instead of covering up the symptoms and waiting for it to "go away" (get worst), call Barton Chiropractic at 925 685-2002 and schedule a free consultation today!
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