If you are a pregnant woman who finds herself joining the other 80% of women who experience back pain during pregnancy, there is hope.
Back pain and the causes in pregnant women are not entirely understood by the medical profession. Therefore, the medical treatment recommendations are poor. By educating both the physician and the patient, treatment options can be improved.
Peripartum Pelvic Pain
Pain in the pelvic region, for which a clear-cut diagnosis has not been made, is termed peripartum pelvic pain. This pain may start during pregnancy, or within 3 weeks of delivery.
Anatomically, pain presents itself most commonly in the following areas:
- sacroiliac joints at the posterior superior iliac spine (42%)
- the groin areas (53%)
- coccyx (33%)
- pubic symphysis anteriorly (77%)
- occasionally other areas of the pelvis and upper legs
Rarely does pain occur below the knee. Pain tends to be influenced by posture and is associated with a waddling gait.
In approximately 80% of pregnancies, back pain is usually localized, but the site may vary. Although long-term pain is very rare, short-term pain tends to be dominant. Usually during the third trimester, 50% of pregnant patients will experience back pain. The prevalence of postpartum period pain falls to approximately 9% in decreasing order as follows: sacral, lumbosacral, lumbar, cervicothoracic, and remaining areas.
Unfortunately most women indicate a serious disruption of lifestyle including time off work, or lost sleep due to the back pain. What is worst than that statistic is the fact that only one quarter of these women received any recommendations from their obstetrician.
When you stop to think about the fact that the same nerve roots that can cause low back pain, control the female reproductive system, it really should be no surprise that once the pressure is taken of the nerve not only does the low back pain resolve, but normal physiology as well.
For almost 30 years I have been blessed enough to be a part of this miracle we call birth. Under Our gentle chiropractic care, I have seen not only everyday " normal pregnancy back pain" totally resolve, but labor pains reduced, deliveries made easier, and Mom's happier! What could be better?
If you are pregnant and suffering from back pain, I just want to say, there is hope! It does not have to get worst. Call Barton Chiropractic today at 925 685-2002 to schedule a free consultation with one of our doctors.
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