Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Challenge Yourself

Are you ready to rise to the challenge? Inspire by example! Dr. David Barton

Challenge Yourself

Are you ready to rise to the challenge? Inspire by example!

50% BACK SURGERY FAILURE RATE Dr. David A Barton reviews back surgery rate!


Chiropractic should be your first choice for any back pain.

Colicky Baby Helped With Chiropractic

Infant was crying for 2 1/2 days . Chiropractor adjusted the infant and crying stopped

Colicky Baby Helped With Chiropractic

The Miracles of Chiropractic!!! This infant was crying for 2 1/2 days and nights. Nothing the parents did calmed the infant. The parents took the infant to a Chiropractor to be adjusted and you see the results!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

How to really lose weight!

ChiropractorWith literally hundreds of diets to choose from, how do you know which one works? Here is a clue: They all do!

Well most of them , as long as you stick with it. Barton Chiropractic reviews weight loss tips just for you.

Here are a few tips that should help you lose that weight.

1) Keep track of what you are eating. as well as how much you are working out.

2) Record what you are doing. My fitness pal is a great app for doing this.

3) Exercise! For some this is a four letter word, for others life revolves around it.

Eat 500 - 1000 calories less. This should lead to 1-2 pound loss per week. But be careful with all protein diets. Eating 500 calories of lean red meat is still 500 calories.

4) A short bout of exercise each day is more effective than longer, less frequent periods.

5 | To lose weight for good, know that you can't go back to your old eating habits. You'll need to change your lifestyle.

6 | Eating too little can backfire. Never have less than 1,200 calories a day—or you may slow down your metabolism.

7 | Don't grocery-shop when you're hungry. You're likely to make high-fat, low-nutrient impulse purchases.

8 | For a fit and toned figure, dieting alone isn't enough. You also need to exercise.

9 | A slip up doesn't have to lead to an entire day of overeating. Resolve to make better choices at your next meal.

10 | Cut down, not out: Trim portions of food instead of removing entire categories (carbs, fats, etc.).


Stick with it! Remember, muscle weighs more than fat. You will start losing inches before you lose pounds.

Chiropractic is the fastest growing healthcare profession. But it is still one of the most underutilized .

Chiropractors are primary health care providers with more actual school hours than most general practitioners (m.d.).

Use your chiropractor! If you just ask, most will be more than happy to help you with your weight loss program. For more information feel free to contact our office at (925) 685-2002 or visit our website at

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Vaccines; Blessing or Curse?

I know what your thinking, "Here we go, another rant about vaccines". I am not here to give my opinion of what you should do. But I do believe that as parents, we need to do the research. We need to stop being sheep, led to slaughter by big business.
At the present time there are growing public and professional concerns about the safety of currently mandated childhood vaccine programs.
 I believe this is reflected in a series of annual Congressional hearings in Washington DC that have taken place since 1999, sponsored by the U.S. House Government Reform Committee under the chairmanship of Congressman Dan Burton. Convulsions, paralysis, epilepsy, ADD, autism, mental retardation, depression, anxiety and learning disorders in children are now being traced to childhood vaccinations.
           CBS News Research Links Kids Vaccines & Brain Damage - A new scientific safety study by British researchers Dr Laura Hewitson and Dr Andrew Wakefield shows US childrens vaccines are linked to brain damage: Delayed Acquisition of Neonatal Reflexes in Newborn Primates Receiving A Thimerosal-containing Hepatitis B Vaccine: influence of gestational age and birth weight Journal of NeuroToxicology.
Congressman is calling for criminal penalties for any government agency that knew about the dangers of thimerosal (mecury) in vaccines and did nothing to protect American children.
Congressman Dan Burton(R-Indiana) during Congressional Hearing: "You mean to tell me that since 1929, we've been using Thimerosal, and the only test that you know of is from 1929, and every one of those people had mennigitis, and they all died?" For nearly an hour, Burton repeatedly asked FDA and CDC officials what they knew and when they knew it.
    Japan halts vaccines from Pfizer, Sanofi after deaths of four children. Today the damage from vaccines is emerging in Japan, where the health ministry has suspended the use of vaccines from Pfizer and Sanofi-Aventis following the deaths of four children there who died within minutes after receiving these vaccine shots. The deaths just keep mounting all across the world: Children are collapsing into comas and then dying, just minutes after receiving combination vaccines that have been deceptively marketed as "completely safe." Last year, Australia temporarily banned flu vaccines in children after they were found to have caused vomiting, fevers and seizures. Rebecca Carley, M.D -
"If children receive all recommended vaccines, they will receive 2,370 times the "allowable safe limit" for mercury in the first two years of life (as if there is such a thing as a "safe" amount of a toxic poison). Yet, even after Congressional hearings instigated by Congressman Dan Burton (whose own grandchild became autistic after receiving vaccines) resulted in the FDA requesting (not ordering) vaccine manufacturers to remove this toxic heavy metal from their products, mercury is still present in many vaccines." Viera Scheibner, PhD
"Ever since mass vaccination of infants began, reports of serious brain, cardiovascular, metabolic and other injuries started filling pages of medical journals. In fact, pertussis vaccine has been used to induce encephalomyelitis, which is characterized by brain swelling and hemorrhaging"
 Bart Classen, a Maryland physician, published data showing that diabetes rates rose significantly in New Zealand following a massive hepatitis B vaccine campaign in young children, and that diabetes rates also went up sharply in Finland after three new childhood vaccines were introduced.
Russell L. Blaylock MD Neurosurgeon - "Most have at least heard about the controversy surrounding possible harmful effects of some of the vaccines. What is less well known is that even greater dangers exist than are being conveyed to the general public. Much of this information is buried in highly technical scientific journals beyond the reach and understanding of the average person.
I've also heard it said that no evidence of a link between vaccines and autism has ever been found. That statement is only true for the CDC, the AAP and the vaccine makers who've been ignoring mountains of scientific information and testimony. There's no evidence of the Moon if you close your eyes and refuse to open them. But if you care to look, it's really quite impressive. Don't believe me, take a look at vaccine injury evidence, go to
Its not that I am saying that people shouldn't be immunized for the most serious threats including measles and polio, but surely there's a limit as to how many viruses and toxins can be introduced into the body of a small child. Veterinarians found out years ago that in many cases they were over-immunizing our pets, a syndrome they call Vaccinosis. It overwhelmed the immune system of the animals, causing myriad physical and neurological disorders. Sound familiar? If you can over-immunize a dog, is it so far out to assume that you can over-immunize a child? These forward thinking vets also decided to remove Thimerosal from animal vaccines in 1992, and yet this substance, which is 49% mercury, is still in human vaccines. Don't our children deserve as much consideration as our pets?
I just think as parents we have to exercise some common or uncommon sense.  A parent can legitimately question giving a one-day old baby, or a two-day old baby the Hepatitis B vaccine that has no risk for it and the mother has no risk for it. That's a heavy-duty vaccine given on day two of life.  I think those are legitimate questions.
In all likelihood the truth about vaccines is that they are both good and bad. While ingredients like aluminum, mercury, ether, formaldehyde and anti-freeze may help preserve and enhance vaccines, they can be toxic as well. The assortment of viruses delivered by multiple immunizations may also be a hazard. I agree with the growing number of voices within the medical and scientific community who believe that vaccines, like every other drug, have risks as well as benefits and that for the sake of profit, American children are being given too many, too soon. One thing is certain. We don't know enough to announce that all vaccines are safe!
If the CDC, the AAP  insist that our children take twice as many shots as the rest of the western world, we need more independent vaccine research not done by the drug companies selling the vaccines or by organizations under their influence. Studies that cannot be internally suppressed. Answers parents can trust. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Why would anybody go to this Chiropractor in Concord when he openly admits that he has never healed anyone?

  Crazy huh?

For almost 30 years, thousands of people have gone to see this doctor for everything from pinched nerves, neck pain, headaches, asthma, A.D.D., diabetes, GURD, back pain even infertility and erectile dysfunction. And to this day he still maintains that he has never cured or healed anyone.

You see, this doctor firmly believes that no doctor has ever healed anyone. So often doctors try to play God thinking that they can actually heal people but that is just not true. 

Research has proven that your body is a self healing organism. It needs no help whatsoever to heal. It just needs no interference. Your Body has an innate intelligence inside of it that regulates and controls all of its functions. The Bible says that God breathed life into man and many people believe that it is this life or innate that keeps you and I alive.

Now imagine for  just a minute that your brain is controlling all of your bodily functions sending messages down your spinal cord and out to all the tissues in your body. Regulating everything that your body does, and everything is functioning at 100%. You are as healthy as you can possibly be.

But what if something was to interfere with your brains ability to control the organs in your body. Lets just say for instance your heart. Do you think you would be healthier or sicker? Sicker, every time.

Every day we have trauma in our life. Sometimes this trauma is so severe or goes on for so long that it can actually cause the bones in your spine that are protecting your nervous system, to be moved out of place. This can put pressure on spinal nerves.

That's right, a spinal bone out of place can put pressure on your nervous system and cause a decrease in function of your body. 

Now, if that bone is protecting the nerve that goes to your heart, and you put pressure on the nerve that goes to your heart, are you going to be sicker or healthier? What if the nerve goes to your stomach? Did you ever think about the fact that the same nerve that goes to your low back and frequently causes low back pain also controls your ovaries, uterus, and penis?

What if a doctor was trained in detecting and correcting these misaligned vertebrae (subluxations)? Can  you see that as the pressure is removed from the nerve that not only could the low back pain go away but even the erectile dysfunction or infertility or abnormal menstrual cramping, irregular menstrual cycles?

At Barton Chiropractic, that is just what we do! We detect and correct subluxations allowing your body to function at 100% so that it can heal itself. This is done through a series of gentle Chiropractic adjustments.

If you have a spine, you more than likely have Subluxations (spinal bones that are in the wrong place), decreasing your bodies ability to function at 100%. This may or may not be causing symptoms. We have found that symptoms are often not present until the problem has gotten really bad. A person that has just had a heart attack did not just suddenly develop heart problems. The heart was bad way before the symptoms arose.

If you are suffering, we can help! Visit our office at Concord Chiropractor or call our office at 925 685-2002 to schedule a free consultation with one of our doctors.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Shoulder pain from Car Accident

Whiplash symptoms can begin at the time of injury. Sometimes however, the symptoms do not start for weeks or even months . You probably know someone that has been involved in a car accident. They may even be suffering from these symptoms. At Barton Chiropractic in Concord, we will never charge you to sit down and talk about your problems.
      Call 925 685-2002 to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our doctors

Whiplash injury from car accident video

I hope you enjoy this video. If you would like mor information or would like to see more videos like this one visit our website at Concord Chiropractic Clinic or contact our office at (925) 685-2002.
Whiplash hurts! If you have been involved in a car accident, you probably  already know that. What you may not know is that Doctors of Chiropractic probably deal with more whiplash injuries than any other type of physician.
Whiplash and Chiropractic 
 This is due to the fact that only Chiropractors have been trained in detecting and correcting Spinal Subluxations. Subluxations often result from whiplash type injuries.
You probably know someone that has been involved in a car accident. They may even be suffering from these symptoms. At Barton Chiropractic in Concord, we will never charge you to sit down and talk about your problems.
      Call 925 685-2002 to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our doctors.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Pregnancy Back Pain Relief

chiropractor adjusting pregnant womanChiropractic care during pregnancy can be a safe and effective way to relieve back pain
If you are a pregnant woman who finds herself joining the other 80% of women who experience back pain during pregnancy, there is hope.
 The specially trained doctors at Barton Chiropractic can help.

Back pain and the causes in pregnant women are not entirely understood by the medical profession. Therefore, the medical treatment recommendations are poor. By educating both the physician and the patient, treatment options can be improved.
Peripartum Pelvic Pain

Pain in the pelvic region, for which a clear-cut diagnosis has not been made, is termed peripartum pelvic pain. This pain may start during pregnancy, or within 3 weeks of delivery.
Anatomically, pain presents itself most commonly in the following areas:
  • sacroiliac joints at the posterior superior iliac spine (42%)
  • the groin areas (53%)
  • coccyx (33%)
  • pubic symphysis anteriorly (77%)
  • occasionally other areas of the pelvis and upper legs
Rarely does pain occur below the knee. Pain tends to be influenced by posture and is associated with a waddling gait.
In approximately 80% of pregnancies, back pain is usually localized, but the site may vary. Although long-term pain is very rare, short-term pain tends to be dominant. Usually during the third trimester, 50% of pregnant patients will experience back pain. The prevalence of postpartum period pain falls to approximately 9% in decreasing order as follows: sacral, lumbosacral, lumbar, cervicothoracic, and remaining areas.
Unfortunately most women indicate a serious disruption of lifestyle including time off work, or lost sleep due to the back pain. What is worst than that statistic is the fact that only one quarter of these women received any recommendations from their obstetrician.
When you stop to think about the fact that the same nerve roots that can cause low back pain, control the female reproductive system, it really should be no surprise that once the pressure is taken of the nerve not only does the low back pain resolve, but normal physiology as well. 
For almost 30 years I have been blessed enough to be a part of  this miracle we call birth. Under Our gentle chiropractic care, I have seen not only everyday " normal pregnancy back pain" totally resolve, but labor pains reduced, deliveries made easier, and Mom's happier! What could be better? 
If you are pregnant and suffering from back pain, I just want to say, there is hope! It does not have to get worst. Call Barton Chiropractic today at 925 685-2002 to schedule a free consultation with one of our doctors. 

We Listen! We Care! We Get Results! 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Remove all obstructions, not just the obvious ones.


Research has shown that as little as 5 mm of mercury pressure (the weight of a dime), is enough to decrease nerve function.

So, if the nerve going from your brain to your heart is not functioning 100% , do you think you could possibly be as healthy as you should? Definitely not!

Is this something that you need to worry about? If you have never had your nervous system checked, then you probably should worry.

 Here is the deal.

You have 24 movable bones protecting your nervous system. We call it your spine.

When you have trauma, it is possible to get those bones (vertebrae) out of alignment this is called a subluxation. This misalignment (subluxation), can put pressure on the nerve roots and decrease nerve function. As you can imagine, decreased nerve function equals decreased health. Dis-Ease.

It makes sense to me, If you want to be healthy, you will get checked by a chiropractor as soon as possible. If you want your family to be healthy, you will get your family's nervous system checked.

At Barton Chiropractic in Concord we will never charge you or a loved one to sit down and talk about your needs. If you are serious about your health, call 925 685-2002 today for a free consultation to see if you are suffering from Subluxations in your spine.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Fewer ear infections, allergies, tonsilitis and asthma!

When one or more vertebrae are out of proper juxtaposition and/or not functioning properly, there will be an interference to the normal transmission of what we call “the mental impulse.” This is Vertebral Subluxation Complex (VSC). It can cause an ache or a pain, anything at all up to and including life-threatening disease. Disease begins with “dis-ease,” a lack of ease, of health.

Your brain and the nervous system controls and coordinates every cell, tissue, organ and system of the body.
Chiropractors remove nerve interference allowing the body to function at its potential. Not only do we feel better but research shows you are actually healthier.

Only a proper chiropractic examination, including X-rays and neurological examination, can detect VSC.  And only Chiropractic Adjustments can correct VSC.

Call Barton Chiropractic in Concord today at 925 685-2002 to schedule your free consultation, or visit our website at

Monday, July 7, 2014

Scientists Blow The Lid on Cancer & Sunscreen Myth

sunscrn sqNo Sunscreen?

That's right! Barton Chiropractic in Concord is constantly researching the latest news for our patients. If you would like more information on this subject contact our office at .

According to a June 2014 article featured in The Independent (UK), a major study conducted by researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden found that women who avoid sunbathing during the summer are twice as likely to die as those who sunbathe every day.  

The epidemiological study followed 30,000 women for over 20 years and “showed that mortality was about double in women who avoided sun exposure compared to the highest exposure group.”

Researchers concluded that the conventional dogma, which advises avoiding the sun at all costs and slathering on sunscreen to minimize sun exposure, is doing more harm than actual good.

That’s because overall sun avoidance combined with wearing sunscreen effectively blocks the body’s ability to produce vitamin D3 from the sun’s UVB rays, which is by far the best form of vitamin D.

In the USA, vitamin D deficiency is at epidemic levels. Ironically, vitamin D deficiency can lead to aggressive forms of skin cancer. A ground-breaking 2011 study published in Cancer Prevention Research suggests that optimal blood levels of vitamin D offers protection against sunburn and skin cancer.

Additionally, vitamin D protects the body from diseases like multiple sclerosis, rickets (in the young),

tuberculosis, inflammatory bowel disease, type 1 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and Sjogren’s syndrome.

According to the Vitamin D Council, researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham recently reported that “lack of sun exposure may lead to cognitive decline over time.”

A Dermatologist Who’s Not Afraid to Sit on the Beach”:

Bernard Ackerman, MD, (deceased 2008) was one of the world’s foremost authorities on the subject of skin cancer and the sun, sunscreens and melanoma skin cancer risks.

Below are Ackerman’s views excerpted from an article in The New York Times (July 20, 2004), titled “I BEG TO DIFFER; A Dermatologist Who’s Not Afraid to Sit on the Beach”:

The link between melanoma and sun exposure (dermatology’s dogma) is unproven.There’s no conclusive evidence that sunburns lead to cancer.There is no real proof that sunscreens protect against melanoma.There’s no proof that increased exposure to the sun increases the risk of melanoma.

A 2000 Swedish study concluded that higher rates of melanoma occurred in those who used sunscreen versus those who did not.

Sunscreens: Cancer-Causing Biohazards

Elizabeth Plourde, PhD, is a California-based scientist who authored the book Sunscreens – Biohazard: Treat as Hazardous Waste, which extensively documents the serious life-threatening dangers of sunscreens not only to people but to the environment as well.

Dr. Plourde provides proof that malignant melanoma and all other skin cancers increased significantly with ubiquitous sunscreen use over a 30-year period. She emphasizes that many sunscreens contain chemicals that are known carcinogens and endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDC).

Dr. Plourde’s research on mice and sunscreen exposure also showed increases in both pup and maternal mortality as well as reproductive issues in subsequent generations.

Additionally, the book documents how sunscreen chemicals have polluted our water sources including oceans, rivers and municipal drinking water. Worse yet, testing revealed that 97% of Americans have sunscreen chemicals in their blood!

Dr. Plourde’s book also has a chapter on the importance of vitamin D3 to health, and she posits that the widespread vitamin D3 deficiency is linked to overuse of sunscreen combined with sun avoidance in general.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Why would anybody go to this doctor when he openly admits that he has never healed anyone?

  Crazy huh?

Over the last 26 years, thousands of people have gone to see this doctor for everything from headaches, asthma, A.D.D., diabetes, GURD, back pain even infertility. And to this day he still maintains that he has never cured or healed anyone.

You see, this doctor firmly believes that no doctor has ever healed anyone. So often doctors try to play God thinking that they can actually heal people but that is just not true. 

The truth is that your body is a self healing organism. It needs no help whatsoever to heal. It just needs no interference. Your Body has an innate intelligence inside of it that regulates and controls all of its functions. The Bible says that God breathed life into man and I believe that it is this life or innate that keeps you and I alive. 
Now imagine for  just a minute that your brain is controlling all of your bodily functions sending messages down your spinal cord and out to all the tissues in your body. Regulating everything that your body does, and everything is functioning at 100%. You are as healthy as you can possibly be.

What if something was to interfere with your brains ability to control the organs in your body. Lets just say for instance your heart. DO you think you would be healthier or sicker? Sicker, every time.

Every day we have trauma in our life. Sometimes this trauma is so severe of goes on for so long that it can actually cause the bones in your spine that are protecting your nervous system, to be moved out of place. If this Vertebrae is out of place, it can put pressure on spinal nerves.

That's right, a spinal bone out of lace can put pressure on your nervous system and cause a decrease in function of your body. 

Now, if that bone is protecting the nerve that goes to your heart, and you put pressure on the nerve that goes to your heart, are you going to be sicker or healthier? What if the nerve goes to your stomach? Did you ever think about the fact that the same nerve that goes to your low back and frequently causes low back pain also controls your ovaries, uterus, Male organs?

What if someone was trained in detecting and correcting these misaligned vertebrae (subluxations)? Can  you see that as the pressure is removed from the nerve that not only could the low back pain go away but even the erectile dysfunction or infertility or abnormal menstrual cramping, irregular menstrual cycles?

At Barton Chiropractic, that is just what we do! We detect and correct subluxations allowing your body to function at 100% so that it can heal itself. This is done through a series of gentle Chiropractic adjustments.

If you have a spine, you more than likely have Subluxations (spinal bones that are in the wrong place), decreasing your bodies ability to function at 100%. This may or may not be causing symptoms. We have found that symptoms are often not present until the problem has gotten really bad. A person that has just had a heart attack did not just suddenly develop heart problems. The heart was bad way before the symptoms arose.

If you would like to know more, you can visit our office at Concord Chiropractor or call our office at 925 685-2002 to schedule a free consultation with one of our doctors.

Thursday, May 22, 2014


At Barton Chiropractic, our Chiropractors are constantly trying to educate our patients about their health. I am not saying that you should not circumcise your son. I just think you should weigh the options.

Circumcision is a painful, risky, unethical surgery that deprives over a million boys each year of healthy, functional tissue, while wasting health care dollars that could be spent on medically necessary services. Read the "Ten Reasons NOT to Circumcise Your Baby Below" below – and learn why you should keep your newborn son intact.
10 Reasons NOT to Circumcise Your Baby Boy
    Circumcision, Chiropractic
  1. Because there is no medical reason for "routine" circumcision of baby boys. No professional medical association in the United States or the rest of the world recommends routine neonatal circumcision. The American Medical Association calls it "non-therapeutic." At no time in its 75 years has the American Academy of Pediatrics ever recommended infant circumcision. Bet you didn't know that.
  2. Because the foreskin is not a birth defect. The foreskin is a normal, sensitive, functional part of the body. In infant boys, the foreskin is attached to the head of the penis (glans), protects it from urine, feces, and irritation, and keeps contaminants from entering the urinary tract. The foreskin also has an important role in sexual pleasure, due to its specialized, erogenous nerve endings and its natural gliding and lubricating functions.
  3. Because you wouldn't circumcise your baby girl. In the United States, girls of all ages are protected by federal and state laws from forced genital surgery, whether practiced in medical or non-medical settings, and regardless of the religious or cultural preferences of their parents. There is no ethical rationale for distinguishing between female and male genital alteration. If it is wrong to remove part of a baby girl's healthy genitals, then it is wrong to do the same to those of a baby boy.
  4. Because your baby does not want to be circumcised. Circumcision painfully and permanently alters a baby boy's genitals, removing healthy, protective, functional tissue from the penis and exposing the child to unnecessary pain and medical risks –for no medical benefit. What do you think your baby boy would say if he could tell you?
  5. Because removing part of a baby's penis is painful, risky, and harmful. We know babies are sensitive to pain. Many circumcisions are performed with no analgesic, but even when pain control is employed, the pain is not eliminated. As with any surgery, complications can and do occur with circumcision. These include infection, abnormal bleeding, removal of too much skin, loss of all or part of the glans, urinary problems, and even death. All circumcisions result in the loss of the foreskin and its functions, and leave a penile scar.
  6. Because times and attitudes have changed. The circumcision rate in the United States is now below 40% (and much lower in some parts of the country), down from 81% in 1981. More than 60% of all baby boys in the U.S. leave the hospital intact, as more and more parents realize that circumcision is unnecessary and wrong.
  7. Because most medically advanced nations do not circumcise baby boys. People in Europe, Asia and Latin America are often appalled to hear that American doctors and hospitals remove part of a boy's penis shortly after birth. Approximately 75% of the men in the world are not circumcised and remain intact throughout their lives.
  8. Because caring for and cleaning the foreskin is easy. A natural, intact penis requires no special care, beyond gentle washing while bathing. Later, when the foreskin can be retracted (something that often does not occur until adolescence), a boy can be taught to pull back his foreskin to wash his penis. Forcible retraction of the foreskin results in pain and injury, and should not be done.
  9. Because circumcision does not prevent HIV or other diseases. Over the years, the claims that circumcision prevents various diseases have repeatedly been proven to be exaggerated or outright fabrications. Most men in the United States are circumcised, but our STD rates are as high as or higher than those in countries where circumcision is rare.
  10. Because children should be protected from permanent bodily alteration inflicted on them without their consent in the name of culture, religion, profit, or parental preference. Under accepted bioethical principles, parents can consent to surgery on behalf of a child only if it is necessary to protect the child's life or health. "Routine" circumcision fails this test because it painfully and permanently removes a normal and healthy part of a boy's penis, does not protect the child’s life or health, and in fact creates new risks. Removing the foreskin is no more justified than removing a finger or any other healthy body part.
For more information I would recommend that you Google the subject. If  you would like to talk to a doctor about the issue, you can contact our office at : 925 685-2002 or visit our website at  

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Which is Scarier?


Although we have been taught the importance of good tooth hygiene, little or no emphasis is ever put on actual health. I am referring to our overall health. Politicians make a huge deal about "healthcare" when in fact they could care less. Lets look at the facts:

1) Our education system fails to teach anything about health. If we were truly concerned children would be taught nutrition . We would not have a nation of obese children. Childhood diabetes would not be rampant.

2) We would let our children enjoy exercise. Sports programs, making recess physical education fun.

3) less emphasis would be placed on pharmaceutical coverage and more on preventative care.

And the list goes on. Dentistry has done a great job of educating people about the importance of good tooth hygiene. pictures like the one of the rotten teeth look scary! But the picture on the right has far worst health implications.

Subluxation Degeneration which has been referred to as the silent killer can have devastating effects and few people understand it. It really is very simple. When you stop and think that your brain controls everything that your body does. Every bodily function.

If you cut the nerve that goes from your brain to your heart, what happens? That's right, you die! Now, what if instead of cutting the nerve, you put pressure on it, decreasing its function? "pinched nerve" . Yes, it ca cause pain, but more importantly, it can cause a decrease in organ or gland or even muscle function effecting your health.

If this vertebrea is left out of alignment, over time, as a result of the spine being out of alignment, the disc will literally start to wear away. This is premature joint degeneration.

All of this can be prevented.

Chiropractors correct the devastating effects of vertebreal subluxations. Chiropractic corrective care can even slow down or stop this premature degeneration, as well as removing interference in the nervous system.

It makes sense to me, If you want to be healthy, you will get checked by a chiropractor as soon as possible. If you want your family to be healthy, you will get your family's nervous system checked. 

At Barton Chiropractic in Concord we will never charge you or a loved one to sit down and talk about your needs. If you are serious about your health, call 925 685-2002 today for a free consultation to see if you are suffering from Subluxations in your spine.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Are you Suffering From Back Pain?

If you have back pain, you are in the majority. What most people understand is there is no reason to suffer. Listen to what this man discovered.

Estimates vary, but approximately 60% to 80% of us will get at least mild back pain at some time in our lives. In 2007 alone, about 27 million US adults aged 18 or older (11% of the total adult population) reported having back pain, according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. About 70% of these people -- 19.1 million -- sought treatment by a doctor, the agency says. It also says that more women (10.9 million) received medical treatment for their back pain than did men (8.2 million).

Never before has it been easier to get rid of pain! At Barton Chiropractic in Concord our doctors specialize in gentle corrective chiropractic care. You will find that our office is different.

We Listen, We Care, We Get Results!
Want to find out more? Contact our office at 925 685-2002 or visit our website at

Check out what some of our patients have had to say!


1251 Monument Blvd #130, Concord, CA 94520

I was a bit sceptical when I first started care at Barton Chiropractic. How could anyone be that friendly. I have to be honest it is still very strange. Everyone is happy. The staff is amazing. The doctors are patient and understanding. The initial visit was a bit long.... over an hour. They asked questions about my job, personal habits, childhood injuries. I was expecting to come in for a quick kind of thing , instead The exam was very detailed and in depth. When I left, for the first time I knew what was wrong with me.

I have been to many doctors and no one has been able to help me. Dr. Barton and Dr. Stockton have been amazing. I Feel Great.

Thank you so much. You guys are the best! 10 out of 10
Quality Excellent

Christy Warnick reviewed:

1251 Monument Blvd #130, Concord, CA 94520

I've been going to Doctor Westover for more than a year now, but recently developed severe back/neck/shoulder pain due to increased stress levels and other health complications. It was so bad that I couldn't turn my neck, I couldn't lift anything and even sleeping was painful. Dr. Westover worked with me almost daily to remedy the issues and I feel great! Could not be happier with my chiropractor!
PS: Check out the massage chair in the office. Amazing!