As a husband of a beautiful wife as well as the father of a beautiful daughter, I knew that there had to be a better way to screen for problems in ladies breast. After a bit of research I found out that there really is a much better option available. It is called Breast Thermography. So Barton Chiropractic in Concord has invited Nancy Gardner-Heaven a Pioneer in the field of Medical Thermography, she has been instrumental in changing the paradigm of breast health. Her research has proven that many surgeries for pre-cancerous conditions are unnecessary and these conditions can be reversed by lifestyle and dietary improvements.
What is Thermography? Thermography is a non-contact technique for early detection of breast cancer without the hazard of carcinogenic radiation. (1) The infrared camera takes thermal images (pictures) that can detect subtle changes in breast physiology up to ten years before a cancerous tumor can be detected by other sources such as mammography or skilled palpation. This is the most reliable form of early detection though not often used by the medical field, it is becoming more readily available. Thermography has a 9% for both false positive and false negative readings. (2) Thermography is painless and offers a view of the entire chest and underarm area.
The infrared images show subtle temperature changes in the breast tissue. Blood supply or vascularity shows up hyperthermic (hot) and looks white in color. Hypothermic (cold) shows up dark in color. Normal breast tissue shows up in varying shades in-between.
TH-2 Benign Thermography Report: This Infrared Image shows symmetric vascular-like features as “hot” appearing like lightening bolts. There is the same amount of these features bi-laterally (both sides), which is normal. Also these features responded normally to the autonomic challenge, which means that when she put her hands on ice these features contracted down (get colder) as they should. There is no risk of malignancy with this reading so it is considered benign.
Abnormal Breast
TH-3 Atypical Thermography Report: This Infrared Image shows an asymmetric vascular-like feature in the right breast, which appears on the left side of the picture (a mirror image). This hyperthermic feature (hot) did respond normally to the autonomic challenge putting this thermography reading at a
Abnormal Breast
TH-5F Abnormal Thermography Report: This Infrared Image shows vascular-like hyperthermic feature in the lateral (outside portion) of the right breast (point 1). This feature is abnormally complex and is >1.4ÂșC above the base emission levels (temperature) of the contra-lateral breast (point 2), which is considered and anarch sign (indicating pathology). This reading is at a 96% risk of confirming malignancy. When we add ‘F’ to the TH-5F it indicates that we are also seeing “cold” or hypothermic features in the caudal (lower portion) of the breasts indicating benign fiber-adenoma cysts.
Abnormal Breast
This Infrared Image; Demonstrates diffuse hyperthermic features through out the entire upper body. These features show up like the spots on a leopard. This indicates hyper-metabolic lymphatic system typical of common viral infections, toxic exposure, seasonal or food allergies. The twenty-one day detoxification program offered at Optimum Health Clinic is instrumental in ridding the body of these toxins and supporting immune function.
Abnormal Breast
Thermal Image Showing Yellow Banding:
This image would be rated TH2. The symmetric (in both breasts) hyperthermic features indicates a metabolic imbalance. This type of vascularity is seen in pregnant women and considered normal but when found in a menopausal woman it indicates an abundance of estrogen or an imbalance in the estrogen to progesterone ratio. This is also known as estrogen dominance and could lead to unhealthy breasts, if not addressed. Further testing of the hormones is recommend with natural supplementation as needed as a preventative measure.
Nancy Gardner-Heaven - Pioneer in the field of Medical Thermology, has been instrumental in changing the paradigm of breast health. Her research has proven that many surgeries for pre-cancerous conditions are unnecessary and these conditions can be reversed by lifestyle and dietary improvements.
Monitoring the breast with Thermography is safe and accurate as there is no harmful radiation or painful compression. Nancy is board certified by the American Board of Thermology at Auburn University and continues to offer Comprehensive Breast Screenings as well as Full Body Thermography Scans in numerous mobile locations around the Bay Area and in Hawaii.
Dr. Nancy Gardner is the author of a research on Reversing Ductal Carcinoma in Situ and preventing other diseases.
- Kauai
- Oakland
- San Rafael
- Sacramento
- Concord (Barton Chiropractic)
- San Jose
- Fresno
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- Kamuela
- Pleasant Hill
Women Helping Women
Thermography Breast and Full Body Scans
*This autonomic challenge (holding ice) distinguishes nitric oxide dilated neo-angiogenic blood vessels associated with malignant neoplasm, from normal blood vessels. Using the Marseilles Classification Study from the Pasteur Institute in Marseilles, France, Breast Thermography is rated at a 9% error rate for both false negative and false positive. Compared to Mammography at a 40% false negative and 80% false positive, Thermography is far more accurate. There is also no radiation that can cause breast cancer or painful compression with thermography.
Ratings of Thermography from the Marseilles Classification are as such: TH-1 and TH-2 = Benign, TH-3 = Atypical (10 to 35% risk for malignancy), TH-4 and TH-5 = Abnormal (65 to 96% risk for malignancy).
For information about upcoming screenings at Barton Chiropractic in Concord, call 925 685-2002.
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