Crazy huh?
Over the last 26 years, thousands of people have gone to see this doctor for everything from headaches, asthma, A.D.D., diabetes, GURD, back pain even infertility. And to this day he still maintains that he has never cured or healed anyone.
You see, this doctor firmly believes that no doctor has ever healed anyone. So often doctors try to play God thinking that they can actually heal people but that is just not true.
The truth is that your body is a self healing organism. It needs no help whatsoever to heal. It just needs no interference. Your Body has an innate intelligence inside of it that regulates and controls all of its functions. The Bible says that God breathed life into man and I believe that it is this life or innate that keeps you and I alive.
Now imagine for just a minute that your brain is controlling all of your bodily functions sending messages down your spinal cord and out to all the tissues in your body. Regulating everything that your body does, and everything is functioning at 100%. You are as healthy as you can possibly be.

Every day we have trauma in our life. Sometimes this trauma is so severe of goes on for so long that it can actually cause the bones in your spine that are protecting your nervous system, to be moved out of place. If this Vertebrae is out of place, it can put pressure on spinal nerves.
That's right, a spinal bone out of lace can put pressure on your nervous system and cause a decrease in function of your body.
Now, if that bone is protecting the nerve that goes to your heart, and you put pressure on the nerve that goes to your heart, are you going to be sicker or healthier? What if the nerve goes to your stomach? Did you ever think about the fact that the same nerve that goes to your low back and frequently causes low back pain also controls your ovaries, uterus, Male organs?
What if someone was trained in detecting and correcting these misaligned vertebrae (subluxations)? Can you see that as the pressure is removed from the nerve that not only could the low back pain go away but even the erectile dysfunction or infertility or abnormal menstrual cramping, irregular menstrual cycles?
At Barton Chiropractic, that is just what we do! We detect and correct subluxations allowing your body to function at 100% so that it can heal itself. This is done through a series of gentle Chiropractic adjustments.
If you have a spine, you more than likely have Subluxations (spinal bones that are in the wrong place), decreasing your bodies ability to function at 100%. This may or may not be causing symptoms. We have found that symptoms are often not present until the problem has gotten really bad. A person that has just had a heart attack did not just suddenly develop heart problems. The heart was bad way before the symptoms arose.