Monday, January 28, 2013

Hugging For Health

 Barton Chiropractic in Concord is constantly reviewing the latest healthcare research so that     we can provide you with the best possible health care. Recently I ran across this article so I thought I would share it.
A hug is a universal medicine, it is how we handshake from the heart.  -Anonymous
For decades we’ve known that babies won’t thrive without physical holding and affection. There is little that will comfort and settle small children as the warm embrace of their family. Yet it is still not uncommon for parents to stop hugging their kids as they reach puberty. And for many adults, the amount of physical nurturing we receive declines as we age, even as medical studies confirm that the health benefits of physical touch extend throughout our lives.
We lose touch with each other early in our adult lives as our needs for physical affection are confused with our emerging sexuality. Our discomfort and lack of understanding about our sexuality inadvertently colors our capacity to connect even in something as benign as a hug.
Virgina Satir, who was often referred to as the mother of family therapy, determined that “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth.” Her presumption is backed by research, which consistently demonstrates that our emotional well being is deeply impacted by the physical love we experience and that touch and hugging are primary vehicles in the brain’s development of basic positive emotions.  According to Linda Blair, a clinical psychologist at Bath University, “Touch affects the cerebellar brain system, an area of the brain where basic positive emotions such as trust and affection probably come from.”

As in the mind, so in the body as recent medical research at University of North Carolina found that both blood pressure and levels of Cortisol, the hormone produced when we’re under stress, were significantly lowered (particularly in women) when subjects hugged their partners for at least twenty seconds. Another study that took place in 2000 showed that hugging babies while they were given blood tests made them cry less and kept their heart rates steadier. Other studies suggest a strong link between increased hugs and lower risk of heart disease.
In addition to the clear health benefits, hugging also provides a window into the health of your relationship and offers an easy way to improve it. Hugging Until Relaxed is a therapeutic technique that encourages partners to hold each other while in a standing hug. Ultimately, both partners find stability and comfort in the embrace by achieving equilibrium of balance and closeness while holding each other. This technique, introduced by David Schnarch in Passionate Marriage, allows both partners to open up to a deeply intimate space where both are held and fully relaxed. This technique generally translates into better overall communication and more passionate intimacy. Opening up to being held is a powerful metaphor. A relaxed and full embrace allows us to feel and connect bodies in a way that literally couples us.

Barton Chiropractic in Concord utilizes gentle adjusting techniques that have been proven to restore motion to the individual joints.
It makes sense to me that if you are suffering from arthritis, and Barton Chiropractic can remove the joint fixation, nerve interference and restore normal joint function, we can help you! We are not just A Chiropractor in Concord, we are "Your Chiropractor in Concord".
One of the great things about our office is that we never charge anyone to sit down and talk to one of our doctors. If you would like to find out how Chiropractic can help with your pain, contact our office at 925 685-2002 to schedule a free consultation, or click Concord Chiropractic to visit one of our websites.

Mammograms; Good or Evil?

Back pain relief is but a small part of our job as a Chiropractor. At Barton Chiropractic in Concord we are committed to your health. that is why we constantly provide you with the latest research that we believe will help you to lead the healthy lifestyle you desire. 

Today we are going to start with breast health. I am not saying not to get mammograms. I am just letting you know that there are safer and better options available.


  Mammograms aren't always accurate. The accuracy of the procedure depends in part on the technique used and the experience and skill of the radiologist. Other factors — such as your age and breast density — may result in false-negative or false-positive mammograms. Tell your doctor if you've noticed a change in one of your breasts, especially if your mammogram is interpreted as normal. If you've had a change in your breast, your doctor may order a diagnostic mammogram so that the suspicious area is looked at more closely than can be done with a screening mammogram.
·  Mammograms in younger women can be difficult to interpret. The breasts of younger women contain more glands and ligaments than do those of older women, resulting in dense breast tissue that can obscure signs of cancer. With age, breast tissue becomes fattier and has fewer glands, making it easier to interpret and detect changes on mammograms.
·  Having a mammogram may lead to additional testing. Among women of all ages, about 10 percent of mammograms require additional testing, including additional imaging tests such as ultrasound, and a procedure (biopsy) to remove a sample of breast tissue for laboratory testing. However, most abnormal findings detected on mammograms aren't cancer. If you're told that your mammogram is abnormal, make sure that the radiologist has compared your current mammogram with any previous mammograms.
·  Screening mammography can't detect all cancers. Some cancers detected by physical examination may not be seen on the mammogram. A cancer may be too small or may be in an area that is difficult to view by mammography, such as your armpit. Mammograms can miss 1 in 5 cancers in women.
·  Not all of the tumors found by mammography can be cured. Certain types of cancers are aggressive, grow rapidly and spread early to other parts of your body.

I believe that Breast thermography is a much better option. I will be posting more info on breast thermography  in up coming post.

If you would like more information contact Concord Chiropractor the back pain relief specialist at 925 685-2002

Coffee linked to delay in Alzheimer's disease

Concord Chiropractic does more than back pain relief. Our main focus is always on providing the best health care possible. I found this research on Coffee to be great.

Researchers from the University of South Florida and University of Miami have found that higher caffeine consumption -- a big source being coffee -- is linked with a delayed onset of Alzheimer's disease, even in older adults who already have mild cognitive impairment (thought to be an early sign of Alzheimer's and/or dementia).

"These intriguing results suggest that older adults with mild memory impairment who drink moderate levels of coffee -- about 3 cups a day -- will not convert to Alzheimer's disease -- or at least will experience a substantial delay before converting to Alzheimer's," study researcher Dr. Chuanhai Cao, a neuroscientist at USF said.

For more information contact Concord Chiropractor at 925 685-2002.